如何在 `ltxdoc` 文档类的右侧添加边注

如何在 `ltxdoc` 文档类的右侧添加边注


ltxdoc layout


\reversemarginpar\marginpar{Some text to be placed in the right margin}


\marginnote{Still not on the right}

我怎样才能将文本放在右边距?以下是 MWE:



\marginpar{This marginal note is on the left. This behavior is expected based on
    the page layout.}
\rmarginpar{This marginal note is also on the left, but I want it to appear on the
    right of the text.
    Even worse, this marginal note overlaps the first note.}
\marginnote[This is on the left, as expected]{}[1in]
\marginnote{This should be on the right of the text.}[2in]


更新 2016/03/08



也许类似的东西使用tabto包。的顶部\rmarginpar应该在调用线上。我提供了一个可选参数来为 提供垂直移位\rmarginpar,以帮助用户避免重叠。

在下面的 MWE 中,我使用红色表示\rmarginpar,只是为了更容易看到添加的内容。


\marginpar{This marginal note is on the left. This behavior is expected based on
    the page layout.}
\rmarginpar[20pt]{This marginal note that is made
   to appear on the right of the text.
    I have shifted it up by 20 pt.}
\marginnote[This is on the left, as expected]{}[1in]
\marginnote{This should be on the right of the text.}[2in]
And now here is the third paragraph.
\rmarginpar{Another right marginpar, this one lowered a line.}

enter image description here





\tikz[remember picture, overlay] {%
\node[anchor = west, xshift = \textwidth, text width = {\oddsidemargin - 2ex}]

\marginpar{This marginal note is on the left. This behavior is expected based on
    the page layout.}
\rmarginpar{Hooray! I got this on the right of the text!}



  1. 感觉很“老套”……这与正常的边注无关。我只是在计算页面上放置一些文本的位置。
  2. 文本在插入处垂直居中。我更希望文本的垂直放置表现得像正常的\marginpar
  3. 多个注释相互重叠,现在该marginfix软件包无法修复该问题。






\tikz[remember picture, overlay] {%
\node[anchor = west, xshift = \textwidth, text width = {\oddsidemargin - 2ex}]

This is a sentence. Here is another one, but this one is a bit longer. Short 
sentence. A medium length sentence. 

\rmarginpar{I need a new line or new paragraph for this note to appear.}
This is a sentence. Here is another one, 
but this one is a bit longer. Short sentence. A medium length sentence. This is 
a sentence. Here is another one, but this one is a bit longer. Short sentence. 
A medium length sentence. This is a sentence. Here is another one, but this one 
is a bit longer. Short sentence.
\rmarginpar{This margin note does not appear since the \texttt{xshift} pushes 
it off the page.}
 A medium length sentence. This is a sentence. Here is another one, but this 
 one is a bit longer. Short sentence. A medium length sentence. This is a 
 sentence. Here is another one, but this one is a bit longer. Short sentence. A 
 medium length sentence. This is a sentence. Here is another one, but this one 
 is a bit longer. Short sentence. A medium length sentence.



