对于我来说,将 powerdot 演示文稿传输到 beamer 有多难?

对于我来说,将 powerdot 演示文稿传输到 beamer 有多难?

我一直很喜欢学习使用 Powerdot,但图像除外。我的 EPS 文件最后都弄反了,所以我决定放弃它。我要做一次一次性的演讲,时间很紧。我本来想换用 Powerpoint,但用 Latex 制作幻灯片会浪费时间。Beamer 是否更适合处理图像?如果我只使用 beamer,powerdot 代码能满足多少要求?下面是一个例子;



%\path[use as bounding box] (-11,-300) rectangle (1.0,4.5);
\node[inner sep=0pt] at (-0.8,4.1)
\node[inner sep=0pt] at (0.15,8.04)
\node[inner sep=0pt] at (-9.75,6.2)
\node[inner sep=0pt] at (-6.7,2.7)

\draw[orange, thick] (-8,5) node (v14) {} .. controls (-8,8) and (-5,8) .. (-4,8) node (v17) {};
\draw[orange, thick] (-7.88,5) node (v15) {} .. controls (-7.95,7.76) and (-4.9,7.8) .. (-4,7.8) node (v18) {};

\node (v19) at (-4,8.2) {};
\node (v20) at (-3.7,7.9) {};
\node (v21) at (-4,7.6) {};

\draw[orange, thick]  plot[tension=.7] coordinates {(v17) (v19) (v20) (v21) (v18)};

\draw[orange]  (v17) edge node[above] {\textbf{increasing $\alpha$}} (v19);
\node[inner sep=0pt, orange] at (-7.21,4.76) {\textbf{ejection maximum}};


