

MWE 如下。当我编译下面提到的代码时,它会产生正确的输出,但生成的输出非常小。有没有办法增加表格单元格的字体大小,同时保留所有内容。任何帮助都值得赞赏。

\tcaption{Descriptive statistics of some numerical variables of the used dataset.}


Variable name & Variable description & N & Missing & Mean & Median & Std. Dev. & Min & Max\\
Actual\_Effort (in PM) & Total development effort (in PM) & 10 & 0 & 7014.91 & 3363.47 & 7931.52 & 377.8 & 22479.3\\
No.of.Processes & Total number of processes for an application & 10 & 0 & 2.9 & 2.5 & 1.96 & 1 & 7\\
No.of.Tasks & Total number of tasks for processes & 10 & 0 & 6.9 & 5.5 & 4.58 & 2 & 15\\
TCC & Total size based on the definition of processes and tasks of an application & 10 & 0 & 975.7 & 539 & 1027.62 & 74 & 2890\\  





\usepackage[a4paper, margin={1cm,1cm}]{geometry}
  \caption{Descriptive statistics of some numerical variables of the used dataset.}

    Variable name & Variable description & N & Missing & Mean & Median & Std. Dev. & Min & Max\\
    Actual\_Effort (in PM) & Total development effort (in PM) & 10 & 0 & 7014.91 & 3363.47 & 7931.52 & 377.8 & 22479.3\\
    No.of.Processes & Total number of processes for an application & 10 & 0 & 2.9 & 2.5 & 1.96 & 1 & 7\\
    No.of.Tasks & Total number of tasks for processes & 10 & 0 & 6.9 & 5.5 & 4.58 & 2 & 15\\
    TCC & Total size based on the definition of processes and tasks of an application & 10 & 0 & 975.7 & 539 & 1027.62 & 74 & 2890\\  





这是一个\small字体大小为 的解决方案,并且tabularx。我加载了该caption包,以便在标题和表格之间更好地垂直跳跃,booktabs在水平规则周围留出一些填充,并makecell在普通单元格中留出一些换行符。最后,我稍微降低了 的值tabcolsep。评论一下:您应该french通过 documentclass 选项加载 babel 选项。

\usepackage{array, tabularx, caption, makecell, booktabs}


  \caption{Descriptive statistics of some numerical variables of the used dataset.}
    Variable name & \makecell{Variable description} & N & Missing & Mean & Median & Std. Dev. & Min & Max \\
 \makecell[lt]{Actual\_Effort \\ (in PM)} &{Total development effort\\ (in PM)} & 10 & 0 & 7014.91 & 3363.47 & 7931.52 & 377.8 & 22479.3\\
 No.of.Processes & {Total number of processes\\ for an application} & 10 & 0 & 2.9 & 2.5 & 1.96 & 1 & 7\\
 No.of.Tasks & Total number of tasks for processes & 10 & 0 & 6.9 & 5.5 & 4.58 & 2 & 15 \\
 TCC & Total size based on the definition of processes and tasks of an application & 10 & 0 & 975.7 & 539 & 1027.62 & 74 & 2890 \\


