





Here is a chapter with text where I want to make a reference to Appendix A. Lets try the reference: Here a reference to Appendix \ref{appendix:a} and a reference to Appendix B namely Appendix \ref{appendix:b}.

\chapter{Appendix A}
This is the content of the appendix A. 
\chapter*{Appendix B}
This is the content of the appendix B.


本例对 的引用非常完美Appendix A。但是, 的标题Appendix A出现了两次。一次是由于\chapter{Appendix A},一次是由于 是\chapter{Appendix A}附录的第一个条目。此外,\appendix将数字引用更改为字母引用。

显然,添加*附录 B 会删除额外的标题,从而使得正确的引用变得不可能。


我已经尝试过了\begin{appendices} ... \end{appendices},但是,对于该版本,附录章节的编号是数字,而不是“A,B等”




Here is a chapter with text where I want to make a reference to Appendix A. Lets try the reference: Here a reference to Appendix \ref{appendix:a} and a reference to Appendix B namely Appendix \ref{appendix:b}.

 \chapter*{Appendix A}
 This is the content of the appendix A. 
 \chapter*{Appendix B}
 This is the content of the appendix B.


重复Appendix A等是由于错误使用\chapter{Appendix A}-- 但可以删除(但如果可以自动完成,为什么要这样命名?) -- 无论如何,我\chaptername通过重新定义删除了章节标题的标题行\@makechapterhead




  % Removing the entries to the toc within appendices environment with \setcounter{tocdepth}{-2}
  % Removing the \chaptername header line in the chapter head command \@makechapterhead
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
      % \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
      % \huge\bfseries \@chapapp\space \thechapter
      % \par\nobreak
      % \vskip 20\p@
      % \fi
    \Huge \bfseries #1\par\nobreak
    \vskip 40\p@


Here is a chapter with text where I want to make a reference to Appendix A. Lets try the reference: Here a reference to Appendix \ref{appendix:a} and a reference to Appendix B namely Appendix \ref{appendix:b}.

  \chapter{Appendix A}
  This is the content of the appendix A. 
  \chapter{Appendix B}
  This is the content of the appendix B.
