Tikz 着色问题

Tikz 着色问题

在下面的代码中,如果我使用以下代码soft clip={domain=-3:3},我将得到顶部的图表。如果我使用soft clip={domain=-2.99:3},我将得到底部的图表。为什么 -3 不起作用?


    axis x line=center, axis y line=center,
    xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$y$},
    xlabel style={below right}, ylabel style={above left},
    xmin=-3.25, xmax=3.25, ymin=-1.25, ymax=1.25,
    x=1.5cm/1, y=2cm/1,
    unit vector ratio*=1 1 1
    \addplot[domain=-3:3, samples=200, smooth,name path=C] {(x^2-1)/(x^2+1)};
    \addplot[name path=HA, domain=-3:3, dashed] {1};
    \draw (axis cs:1, 0.9) node[above] {\small$y=1$};
    \draw (axis cs:0.5, 0.25) node {\textbf{\small$R_1$}};
    \addplot[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=brown!50]fill between[of=C and HA, soft clip={domain=-2.99:3}];

在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述


让我扩展我的评论来回答 - 你有两种可能性:

  • 缩小规模:scale=0.8
  • 删除比例并确定图像宽度使用选项width=<length>



\pgfplotsset{compat=1.14} % <-- added


    width=7cm,  % <-- here determine image size
    axis x line=center, axis y line=center,
    xlabel={$x$}, ylabel={$y$},
    xlabel style={below right}, ylabel style={above left},
    xmin=-3.25, xmax=3.25, ymin=-1.25, ymax=1.25,
    x=1.5cm/1, y=2cm/1,
    unit vector ratio*=1 1 1
    \addplot[domain=-3:3, samples=200, smooth,name path=C] {(x^2-1)/(x^2+1)};
    \addplot[name path=HA, domain=-3:3, dashed] {1};
    \draw (axis cs:1, 0.9) node[above] {\small$y=1$};
    \draw (axis cs:0.5, 0.25) node {\textbf{\small$R_1$}};
    \addplot[pattern=north west lines, pattern color=brown!50]
        fill between[of=C and HA, soft clip={domain=-3:3}]; %<-- see soft clip
