


\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, titlepage]{article}

\title{Bla \\
\author{Bla  \and




\tableofcontents % create a table of contens 


Make it possible for all to write documents with \LaTeX{}!

First we start with a little example of the article class, which is an 
important documentclass. But there would be other documentclasses like 
book \ref{book}, report \ref{report} and letter \ref{letter} which are 
described in Section \ref{documentclasses}. Finally, Section 
\ref{conclusions} gives the conclusions.

Go more in detail \ldots

Below are the key team members within the project.

\item Bla
\item Bla 
\item Bla
\item Bla
\item Bla
\item Bla

\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}

\section{Project Evaluation} \label{projecteval}

\item article
\item book 
\item report 
\item letter 

\subsection{Project Management and Process} \label{projectprocess}

\paragraph{Effectiveness} \label{effectiveness}
\subsection{Requirements Modelling and UML} \label{uml}

\section{Group Member Evaluation} \label{groupeval}

\subsection{Bla} \label{Bla}

\subsubsection{Role Classification}




\section{Score Summary}

Here are the summary scores of each individual in the team from my perspective:

Team Member & Contribution Amount & Contribution Quality & Total \\
l stand for left & 
c for center &
r for right & 
and p for predefined size \\

\section{What I would have done differently}




\section{Project Evaluation}出现在第 2 页的开头,并\section{Introduction}出现在第 1 页的开头。第一节“简介”以正确的缩进显示,但项目评估下面的每个节、小节和段落都出现高度缩进。




\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, oneside, titlepage]{article}

Theory on Brontosaurs
%Bla \\
\author{Miss Ann Elk  \and
    Arthur Gumby (Brain Surgeon)




\tableofcontents % create a table of contens 


Make it possible for all to write documents with \LaTeX{}!

%First we start with a little example of the article class, which is an 
%important documentclass. But there would be other documentclasses like 
%book \ref{book}, report \ref{report} and letter \ref{letter} which are 
%described in Section \ref{documentclasses}. Finally, Section 
%\ref{conclusions} gives the conclusions.

Go more in detail \ldots

Below are the key team members within the project.

\item Bla
\item Bla 
\item Bla
\item Bla
\item Bla
\item Bla

\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}
\item[Bla]{is described in Section \ref{Bla}}

\section{Project Evaluation} \label{projecteval}

\item article
\item book 
\item report 
\item letter 

\subsection{Project Management and Process} \label{projectprocess}

\paragraph{Effectiveness} \label{effectiveness}
\subsection{Requirements Modelling and UML} \label{uml}

\section{Group Member Evaluation} \label{groupeval}

\subsection{Bla} \label{Bla}

\subsubsection{Role Classification}




\section{Score Summary}

Here are the summary scores of each individual in the team from my perspective:

Team Member & Contribution Amount & Contribution Quality & Total \\
l stand for left & 
c for center &
r for right & 
and p for predefined size \\

\section{What I would have done differently}



