我有一个 .tex 文件,内容如下:
我使用上述 latex 文件最终创建了一个 PDF,其中单词位于使用 put 命令的特定 XY 坐标处(事先已知)。现在,除此之外,我还想将图片(存储为单独的图像文件,名称为 1.jpg、2.jpg...)包含在特定的 XY 坐标中,就像我对单词所做的那样。
我所做的是,在 .tex 文件中插入此行(在 Swine 一词的定位之前):
\Put(415,1171){\includegraphics[width=515, height=243{/home/John/Desktop/1.jpg}}
这里,(415,1171) 是坐标,路径是图像的位置。当我尝试将上述 tex 文件转换为 PDF 时,它显示错误(没有它工作得完全正常)并给出以下错误并停止:
</home/John/Desktop/1.jpg, id=1, 516.93124pt x 243.91125pt>
! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again>
包可用于此目的。元素的定位需要大量解释,因此以下代码仅供参考。示例中的文本框相对于边距显示,边距是使用包的 showframe 选项生成的geometry
\usepackage[lmargin=24mm,rmargin=24mm,tmargin=25mm,bmargin=25mm,showframe]{geometry} %Set margins and show them
\usepackage[absolute,showboxes]{textpos} % Positioning textblocks in absolute terms
\begin{textblock}{2}(24,25) % Place a * at the intersection at the top and left margins
$*$ %Top left
\begin{textblock}{40}(140,50) %Place an image in a box 40 mm wide 140 mm from the left edge and 50 mm from the top
\includegraphics[scale=0.20]{example-image}%From mwe package
\begin{textblock}{20}(24,100) %Place a textblock on the left margin (24 mm), 100 mm from the top.
Swine \\
flu \\
tightens \\
its \\
grip \\
over \\
\begin{textblock}{40}(90,120) %Place a textblock 90 mm from the left edge and 120 mm from the top
Swine \\
flu \\
tightens \\
its \\
grip \\
over \\
\begin{textblock}{2}(186,272) % Place a * at the intersection of the bottom and right margins
$*$ %Bottom right