- 列表中的所有元素,
- 第一个 n,(其中 n 作为宏参数给出)但如果小于 n,则不添加空值,并且
- 前 n 个,但如果需要则添加空元素。
它们使用分组使所有定义都成为本地定义,但实际上在组结束后执行宏(这是必不可少的)。我已经用各种嵌套宏测试了它们,这些宏使用不同的分隔符再次调用它们,它们似乎很健壮。但是,当我尝试在另一个宏中使用它们时,我遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题,该宏应该采用列表的前 n 个元素(如果需要,末尾带有空元素)并调用接受 n 个参数的宏。如果我从上述宏的第 3 版复制粘贴大部分代码,一切都很好。但是,如果我尝试调用此宏,要求它为每个列表元素调用一个本地定义的宏,该宏应该将这些元素附加到(本地)标记列表中,则每次迭代后都会清空标记列表……我认为问题出在将标记附加到列表的辅助宏中,如下所示,但我找不到原因!它们在其他情况下按预期工作。我一定是错过了一些明显而愚蠢的东西,我很抱歉。以下是相关的宏:
% append token #1 to token list #2
\def\@append@tok@wrapped#1#2{% wrapped in braces
\def\@append@tok#1#2{% as is
% iterate over a list, up to #1 many elements, adding empty ones if needed
% #1: exactly that many elements; add empty ones as needed,
% #2: macro of one argument, #3: list delimiter, #4: list
% ##1: "counter", ##2: next element, ##3: rest of list
% call it with an empty element (delimiter)
\expandafter\next@el\number\numexpr ##1+1\relax #3\@nil%
\expandafter\next@el\number\numexpr ##1+1\relax ##3\@nil%
% call a macro with the first #1 elements of list
% #1: exactly that many elements; add empty ones as needed,
% #2: macro of #1 number of argument, #3: list delimiter, #4: list
% for some reason this did not work... after exiting from \apply@macro@...
% the token list was empty (but was correctly appended to inside \save@tok))
\append@tok{##1}\tmp@toks% does not append, simply reassigns
% not really sure how to display the content without using \meaning and a buffer macro
token list is \texttt{\meaning\@tmp}\par%
% idea is to put the macro to be called at the front of the token list
% then append its arguments; for debugging purposes, do not do that
% \tmp@toks={#2}%
exiting group, token list is \the\tmp@toks\par%
% and execute the macro outside the group
% \expandafter\endgroup\the\tmp@toks%
\append@tok*{{##1}}\tmp@toks% does not append either, simply reassigns
token list is \texttt{\meaning\@tmp}\par%
exiting group, token list is \the\tmp@toks\par%
% to see that nested calls to \apply@macro@to@fixed@list work:
% use a different delimiter
\def\bar#1{element is: #1\par}
\def\foo#1#2{FOO: #1, #2;\par}
% using unstarred \@append@tok, i.e. wraps it in braces
% using starred \@append@tok, I wrap it in braces before passing it to \append@tok
% now I redefine \append@tok to be exactly the same as its starred version
\def\append@tok#1#2{% as is
% and pass it a wrapped token, as before
token list is \texttt{\meaning\@tmp}\par%
exiting group, token list is \the\tmp@toks\par%
% and it works
% it also works if I append the token without using a helper macro
\tmp@toks=\expandafter{\the\tmp@toks {##1}}%
token list is \texttt{\meaning\@tmp}\par%
exiting group, token list is \the\tmp@toks\par%
逐个传递给 。如果提供了可选参数,则将其视为项目数n在要传递给 的列表中\mama
列表耗尽后将传递空元素,直到传递的元素总数 =n。
列表分隔符可以用, 默认逗号listofitems
\foreach\zz in {1,...,#1}{%