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\section*{\centering {Abstract}}
Neutron is considered as a fundamental subatomic particle. But it was not 
until 1932 that its existence was known. In 1932, James Chadwick observed
interactions between radiation and matter which could not be explained on
the basis of known particles or radiations. He proposed the neutron
hypothesis which could successfully explain all observations without
violating energy conservation. This paper discusses the discovery of
neutron by Chadwick and its acceptance of a fundamental sub-particle of



\title{Discovery if neutron by James Chadwick}
\author{Blah Blah}
Neutron is considered as a fundamental subatomic particle. But it was not 
until 1932 that its existence was known. In 1932, James Chadwick observed
interactions between radiation and matter which could not be explained on
the basis of known particles or radiations. He proposed the neutron
hypothesis which could successfully explain all observations without
violating energy conservation. This paper discusses the discovery of
neutron by Chadwick and its acceptance of a fundamental sub-particle of


对于未定义环境的类abstract,可以按如下所示进行操作(或者,在下面的代码中,将\textbf{Abstract}\par\medskip其替换\section*{\centering Abstract}为代码中提供的 OP)

\title{Discovery if neutron by James Chadwick}
\author{Blah Blah}
Neutron is considered as a fundamental subatomic particle. But it was not 
until 1932 that its existence was known. In 1932, James Chadwick observed
interactions between radiation and matter which could not be explained on
the basis of known particles or radiations. He proposed the neutron
hypothesis which could successfully explain all observations without
violating energy conservation. This paper discusses the discovery of
neutron by Chadwick and its acceptance of a fundamental sub-particle of


另一个解决方案是使用更改页面包裹 :



\title{Discovery if neutron by James Chadwick}
\author{Blah Blah}


Neutron is considered as a fundamental subatomic particle. But it was not 
until 1932 that its existence was known. In 1932, James Chadwick observed
interactions between radiation and matter which could not be explained on
the basis of known particles or radiations. He proposed the neutron
hypothesis which could successfully explain all observations without
violating energy conservation. This paper discusses the discovery of
neutron by Chadwick and its acceptance of a fundamental sub-particle of





  \list{}{\leftmargin2cm \rightmargin\leftmargin}
  \endlist \par\bigskip

\title{Discovery if neutron by James Chadwick}
\author{Blah Blah}


  Neutron is considered as a fundamental subatomic particle.
  But it was not until 1932 that its existence was known.
  In 1932, James Chadwick observed interactions between radiation
  and matter which could not be explained on the basis of known particles or radiations.
  He proposed the neutron hypothesis which could successfully explain all observations
  without violating energy conservation. This paper discusses the discovery of
  neutron by Chadwick and its acceptance of a fundamental sub-particle of atom.


