使用 \newtheoremstyle 定义自定义示例环境

使用 \newtheoremstyle 定义自定义示例环境

我正在尝试为我的论文定义一个自定义示例环境,但由于我对 LaTeX 的了解有限,我无法从中弄清楚这一点amsthm文档。这是一个最小工作示例,或者更准确地说,是一个我希望它看起来像的工作示例。


\newtheoremstyle{example} ... % something to add that makes sense


\chapter{First Chapter}

Here is an example with with some random text that covers multiple lines such that we have a good visual understanding of the lay-out. The example must cover about three lines.


Here is another example with with some random text that covers multiple lines such that we have a good visual understanding of the lay-out. The example must cover about three lines.

And some text at the end of the chapter.




我尝试\newtheoremstyle{break}按照第 9 页文档中描述的方式使用amsthm,但没有成功。最好我还想能够设置示例上方和下方的空间,以便清楚地知道示例在布局中的间距停止的位置。我希望这不是一个愚蠢的问题,但我自己从文档中根本无法弄清楚。



使用 很容易做到ntheorem。我给包加载了选项thref(定理类环境的扩展引用)和thmmarks(自动放置证明结束符号,包括当证明以方程式结尾时):

\usepackage{amsmath} %

\usepackage[thref, thmmarks, amsmath]{ntheorem}


\chapter{First Chapter}


  Here is an example with with some random text that covers multiple lines such that we have a good visual understanding of the lay-out. The example must cover about three lines.


  Here is another example with with some random text that covers multiple lines such that we have a good visual understanding of the lay-out. The example must cover about three lines.

And some text at the end of the chapter.




Bernard 的回答很好,但如果你想坚持使用该amsthm软件包,那么你也可以执行以下操作,正如我后来发现的那样。

    \usepackage{amsmath} %

    {\bfseries}{}% % Note that final punctuation is omitted.



    \chapter{First Chapter}


      Here is an example with with some random text that covers multiple lines such that we have a good visual understanding of the lay-out. The example must cover about three lines.


      Here is another example with with some random text that covers multiple lines such that we have a good visual understanding of the lay-out. The example must cover about three lines.

    And some text at the end of the chapter.


