在 beamer 中编辑脚注引用

在 beamer 中编辑脚注引用

基于Beamer 中的脚注引用我能够生成“作者、期刊年份”的引文。但我希望修复下面示例中的两处内容以匹配案例\footcite




%Beamer Settings

%BIB File
author = "Appleton, W. and Anderson, Z. and Almeirim, P.",
title = "This is the title of this article, which as you can see, is very long and takes up too much space in the footnote.",
journal = "Journal of Interesting Things",
year = 2013}
author = "Burger, J.",
title = "The title of the Book is this",
publisher = "Public Publishing Publishers",
year = 2014

\usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authortitle-dw,addyear=true]{biblatex} % For .bib references
\addbibresource{MWE.bib}  % The bibliography file


\begin{frame}{Example in Beamer}
        \item This is an example of text.\pause{}
        \item Here is the second text that contains a reference\footlessfullcite{ref1} in the middle of the sentence.\pause{}
        \item Here is another reference at the end of the sentence\footcite{ref2}.



根据@samcarter的评论和答案尝试理解 renewbibmacro 和 DeclareFieldFormat 构造通过在后面添加以下几行我得到了我想要的效果\newrobustcmd

\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry author}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry title}{fg=black}
\setbeamercolor{bibliography entry note}{fg=black}
