防止 Biblatex/biber 中的参考书目条目中间出现分页符和列中断

防止 Biblatex/biber 中的参考书目条目中间出现分页符和列中断



如您所见,条目被拆分成多列和多页,看起来都不太好。此外,如图所示,分页后也会出现一些问题:LaTeX 将一个大条目拆分成两列。我希望 LaTeX 将两个条目输入到同一列中。

我已添加 MWE 和一张来自我实际工作的图片。

  title={The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog},
  author={Doe, John and Bar, Foo and Bob, Joe and Kid, Billy The and Lucky, Luke and Kong, King},
  journal={Journal A of supposed excellence and uncomfortably long titles to make this example work. },
  title={The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog},
  author={Doe, John and Bar, Foo and Bob, Joe and Kid, Billy The and Lucky, Luke and Kong, King},
  journal={Journal B of supposed excellence and uncomfortably long titles to make this example work. },
  title={The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog},
  author={Doe, John and Bar, Foo and Bob, Joe and Kid, Billy The and Lucky, Luke and Kong, King},
  journal={Journal C of supposed excellence and uncomfortably long titles to make this example work. },

  title={Title B},
  author={Genius, Evil and Vader, Darth},
  journal={Journal B},


  \usepackage[left=2.1cm,right=1.4cm,top=23.5cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}%Etter mal fra npprj








\usepackage{etoolbox}  % <============================ to patch penaltys
\patchcmd{\thebibliography}{\clubpenalty4000}{\clubpenalty10000}{}{}     % no orphans
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\patchcmd{\bibsetup}{\interlinepenalty=5000}{\interlinepenalty=10000}{}{} % no break of entry

因此,有了这个完整的 MWE

  title={The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog},
  author={Doe, John and Bar, Foo and Bob, Joe and Kid, Billy The and Lucky, Luke and Kong, King},
  journal={Journal A of supposed excellence and uncomfortably long titles to make this example work. },
  title={The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog},
  author={Doe, John and Bar, Foo and Bob, Joe and Kid, Billy The and Lucky, Luke and Kong, King},
  journal={Journal B of supposed excellence and uncomfortably long titles to make this example work. },
  title={The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog},
  author={Doe, John and Bar, Foo and Bob, Joe and Kid, Billy The and Lucky, Luke and Kong, King},
  journal={Journal C of supposed excellence and uncomfortably long titles to make this example work. },
  title={Title B},
  author={Genius, Evil and Vader, Darth},
  journal={Journal B},




\usepackage{showframe} % <========================= to show typing area!
\usepackage{etoolbox}  % <============================ to patch penaltys
\patchcmd{\thebibliography}{\clubpenalty4000}{\clubpenalty10000}{}{}     % no orphans
\patchcmd{\thebibliography}{\widowpenalty4000}{\widowpenalty10000}{}{}   % no widows
\patchcmd{\bibsetup}{\interlinepenalty=5000}{\interlinepenalty=10000}{}{} % no break of entry




显示的 pdf 第一页
