

在下面的 MWE 中,我无法更改“算法列表”页面的目录的字体(和格式)。如您所见,目录的字体是\sffamily,但是,当我尝试对算法页面进行相同的格式化时,没有任何反应。您能帮我格式化算法列表目录页面以匹配其他目录页面吗?

以下是 MWE:

\usepackage{tikz} % Required for drawing custom shapes
\usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphenation
\usepackage{xcolor} % Required for specifying colors by name
\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm, bm} % For math equations, theorems, symbols, etc
\usepackage{titletoc} % Required for manipulating the table of contents
\contentsmargin{0cm} % Removes the default margin

% Chapter text styling
\titlecontents{chapter}[1.25cm] % Indentation
{\addvspace{12pt}\large\sffamily\bfseries} % Spacing and font options for chapters
{\color{ocre!60}\contentslabel[\Large\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}\color{ocre}} % Chapter number
{\color{ocre!60}\normalsize\;\titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage} % Page number

% Section text styling
\titlecontents{section}[1.25cm] % Indentation
{\addvspace{3pt}\sffamily\bfseries} % Spacing and font options for sections
{\contentslabel[\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}} % Section number
{\hfill\color{black}\thecontentspage} % Page number

% Subsection text styling
\titlecontents{subsection}[1.25cm] % Indentation
{\addvspace{1pt}\sffamily\small} % Spacing and font options for subsections
{\contentslabel[\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}} % Subsection number
{\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage} % Page number

% List of figures
{\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}

% List of tables
{\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}

% List of listings
{\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}

% List of Algorithms
{\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}








\section{Problem Statement 1}
\caption{This is a description for Figure 1}

\caption{This is a description for Figure 2}

\chapter{List of Matlab Algorithms}
\section{Algorithm 1}
some text here
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training}

some text here
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training 2}

some text here
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training 3}










\usepackage[english]{babel} % English language/hyphenation

\usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts,amssymb,amsthm, bm} % For math equations, theorems, symbols, etc
\usepackage{tikz} % Required for drawing custom shapes
\usepackage{xcolor} % Required for specifying colors by name

\usepackage{titletoc} % Required for manipulating the table of contents



\contentsmargin{0cm} % Removes the default margin

% Chapter text styling
\titlecontents{chapter}[1.25cm] % Indentation
  {\addvspace{12pt}\large\sffamily\bfseries} % Spacing and font options for chapters
  {\color{ocre!60}\contentslabel[\Large\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}\color{ocre}} % Chapter number
  {\color{ocre!60}\normalsize\;\titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage} % Page number

% Section text styling
\titlecontents{section}[1.25cm] % Indentation
  {\addvspace{3pt}\sffamily\bfseries} % Spacing and font options for sections
  {\contentslabel[\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}} % Section number
  {\hfill\color{black}\thecontentspage} % Page number

% Subsection text styling
\titlecontents{subsection}[1.25cm] % Indentation
  {\addvspace{1pt}\sffamily\small} % Spacing and font options for subsections
  {\contentslabel[\thecontentslabel]{1.25cm}} % Subsection number
  {\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage} % Page number

% List of figures
  {\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}

% List of tables
  {\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}

% List of listings
  {\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}

% List of Algorithms
  {\ \titlerule*[.5pc]{.}\;\thecontentspage}


% for some reasons, \ttll@algocf is not initialized







\section{Problem Statement 1}
\caption{This is a description for Figure 1}

\caption{This is a description for Figure 2}

\chapter{List of Matlab Algorithms}
\section{Algorithm 1}
some text here
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training}

some text here
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training 2}

some text here
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training 3}




