将算法中的编号从 \arabic 切换到 \arabic\alpha,以显示特定行

将算法中的编号从 \arabic 切换到 \arabic\alpha,以显示特定行

将算法中的编号从 切换\arabic\arabic\alpha特定行

在下面的代码中,我想将 更改#33a并将#4更改为3b。然后数字5应该是#4。基本上,我只想更改3-43a3b然后恢复正常编号。


\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm, bm}

            \node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}


\newcommand{\nosemic}{\renewcommand{\@endalgocfline}{\relax}}% Drop semi-colon ;
\newcommand{\dosemic}{\renewcommand{\@endalgocfline}{\algocf@endline}}% Reinstate semi-colon ;
\newcommand{\pushline}{\Indp}% Indent
\newcommand{\popline}{\Indm\dosemic}% Undent
\let\oldnl\nl% Store \nl in \oldnl
\newcommand{\nonl}{\renewcommand{\nl}{\let\nl\oldnl}}% Remove line number for one line

\nonl{Assume that there is a set of $M$ face images}
  \left\{\Gamma_{1}, \Gamma_{2},...,\Gamma_{M},  \right\}
Each image has the size of $r \times c$\\
$r\rightarrow \# ~\text{of rows}\quad c \rightarrow \#~ \text{of columns}$\\
Averaging face images
  \Psi = \dfrac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M} \Gamma_{i}
Remove the average image from all given ones
  \circled{H}_{i} = \Gamma_{i} - \Psi \quad i = 1,2,...,M
Convert $\underset{\text{dim}}{ r \times c}$ images into $\underset{\text{dim}}{ \rho \times 1}$ vectors, where $\rho = r \times c$ using a raster scan.
\hspace{1cm}\circled{H}_{i} \Rightarrow \bm{\munderbar{x}}_{i}\hspace{2cm}i=1,2,...,M
Stack $M$ vectors into a matrix
X = \left[\bm{\munderbar{x}}_{1},\bm{\munderbar{x}}_{2},...,\bm{\munderbar{x}}_{M} \right]
where $X$ is a $\rho \times M$ matrix.\\
Compute matrix R from $X$.
  R=\frac{1}{M}X'X\quad (\text{much smaller than $XX'$})
where $R$ is $M\times M$ \hspace{1cm} $M\ll P$
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training}




\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm, bm}


            \node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=2pt] (char) {#1};}}


\newcommand{\nosemic}{\renewcommand{\@endalgocfline}{\relax}}% Drop semi-colon ;
\newcommand{\dosemic}{\renewcommand{\@endalgocfline}{\algocf@endline}}% Reinstate semi-colon ;
\newcommand{\pushline}{\Indp}% Indent
\newcommand{\popline}{\Indm\dosemic}% Undent
\let\oldnl\nl% Store \nl in \oldnl
\newcommand{\nonl}{\renewcommand{\nl}{\let\nl\oldnl}}% Remove line number for one line




\nonl{Assume that there is a set of $M$ face images}
  \left\{\Gamma_{1}, \Gamma_{2},...,\Gamma_{M},  \right\}
Each image has the size of $r \times c$\\
$r\rightarrow \# ~\text{of rows}\quad c \rightarrow \#~ \text{of columns}$\\
Averaging face images
  \Psi = \dfrac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^{M} \Gamma_{i}
Remove the average image from all given ones
  \circled{H}_{i} = \Gamma_{i} - \Psi \quad i = 1,2,...,M
Convert $\underset{\text{dim}}{ r \times c}$ images into $\underset{\text{dim}}{ \rho \times 1}$ vectors, where $\rho = r \times c$ using a raster scan.
\hspace{1cm}\circled{H}_{i} \Rightarrow \bm{\munderbar{x}}_{i}\hspace{2cm}i=1,2,...,M
Stack $M$ vectors into a matrix
X = \left[\bm{\munderbar{x}}_{1},\bm{\munderbar{x}}_{2},...,\bm{\munderbar{x}}_{M} \right]
where $X$ is a $\rho \times M$ matrix.\\
Compute matrix R from $X$.
  R=\frac{1}{M}X'X\quad (\text{much smaller than $XX'$})
where $R$ is $M\times M$ \hspace{1cm} $M\ll P$
\caption{Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Training}


