\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds, calc, shadows, shadows.blur}
\pstTubeEssais[substance=\pstBullesChampagne,niveauLiquide1=10] \pstTubeEssais[substance=\pstBullesChampagne] \pstTubeEssais[substance=\pstBullesChampagne,aspectLiquide1=Champagne]
还有其他包我可以使用吗,还是我应该用 Ti 来绘制所有内容钾Z?
2) 将气体放入锥形瓶中,将液体放入第三个锥形瓶中。
3) 制作锥形瓶丝锥。
这是我用 Tikz 制作的版本。我简化了一些细节,但我认为它和你的图像足够相似。唯一缺少的是象征气体的圆圈,但我认为这对你来说并不难复制。
\flask[ <arrow direction> ]{ <position of the flask> }{ <pressure> }{ <text> };
\usetikzlibrary{calc, shadings, arrows.meta}
\draw[gray] (-1.8,0) arc (180:0:1.8cm and 6mm);
\clip[rounded corners=5mm] (-.5,5) -- (-.5,3.5) -- (-1.8,.5) [sharp corners]-- (-1.8,0) arc (180:360:1.8cm and 6mm) [rounded corners=5mm]-- (1.8,.5) -- (.5,3.5) [sharp corners]-- (.5,5) -- cycle;
\draw[gray] (.1,4) arc (0:180:1mm and .5mm);
\draw (.1,4.8) -- (.1,4) arc (360:180:1mm and .5mm) -- (-.1,4.8);
\draw[right color=tappo, left color=tappo, middle color=tappo!40] (.4,4.5) -- (.6,5.5) arc (0:180:6mm and 2mm) -- (-.4,4.5) arc (180:360:4mm and 2mm);
\draw[fill=tappo!60] (0,5.5) ellipse (6mm and 2mm);
\draw[fill=lightblue,rounded corners=5mm, fill opacity=.7] (-.5,5) -- (-.5,3.5) -- (-1.8,.5) [sharp corners]-- (-1.8,0) arc (180:360:1.8cm and 6mm) [rounded corners=5mm]-- (1.8,.5) -- (.5,3.5) [sharp corners]-- (.5,5) arc (360:180:5mm and 2mm);
\draw[fill=lightblue, opacity=.5] (.5,5) to[out=-50,in=230, looseness=2] (-.5,5) arc (180:360:5mm and 2mm);
\fill[black] (0,5.5) ellipse (1mm and .5mm);
\draw[fill=lightblue, fill opacity=.5] (.1,6.3) -- (.1,5.5) arc (360:180:1mm and .5mm) -- (-.1,6.3) -- cycle;
\draw[left color=black, right color=black, middle color=gray] (.1,6.5) -- (.1,6.3) arc (360:180:1mm and .5mm) -- (-.1,6.5) -- cycle;
\draw[ultra thick, fill=white!95!black] (0,7.5) circle (1cm);
\node[font=\sffamily\bfseries\scriptsize] at (0,7.9) {hPa};
\foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \angle using int(210-(\x*16))] in {0,...,15}{%
\draw[very thick] ($(0,7.5)+(\angle:1cm)$) --++ (\angle:-2mm) node[pos=1.8, text=black, font=\tiny] {$\x$};
\draw[very thick] ($(0,7.5)+(\angle:1cm)$) --++ (\angle:-2mm) node[pos=1.8, text=black, font=\tiny] {$\x00$};
\draw ($(0,7.5)+(\angle:1cm)$) --++ (\angle:-2mm);
\begin{scope}[remember picture,overlay,shift={(0,7.5)},rotate=210-(#3*.16)]
\filldraw[black] (-.2,.03) --++ (1,-.01) --++ (0,-.04) --++ (-1,-.01) --++ (0,-.08) --++ (-.05,0) --++ (0,.22) --++ (.05,0) -- cycle;
\draw[gray, fill=lightblue!50] (.49,3.9) ellipse (.5mm and 1mm);
\draw[fill=lightblue, fill opacity=.5] (.49,4) -- (2,4) arc (90:-90:.5mm and 1mm) -- (.49,3.8) arc (-90:-270:.5mm and 1mm);
\draw (2,3.8) arc (-90:-270:.5mm and 1mm);
\draw[#1, line width=.2mm] (1.5,3.9) -- (2.5,3.9) node[right, font=\scriptsize] {#4};
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (.8,4.2) -- (1,4.2) -- (1,4.1) -- (.94,4.1) -- (.94,4.05) -- (1,4) arc (360:180:1mm and .25mm) -- (.86,4.05) -- (.86,4.1) -- (.8,4.1) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (1,3.81) -- (.95,3.75) -- (.85,3.75) -- (.8,3.81);
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (.96,3.76) to[out=-50,in=230, looseness=1.8] (.84,3.76) to[out=-15,in=195] cycle;
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (.94,3.72) to[out=-50,in=230, looseness=2] (.86,3.72) to[out=-15,in=195] cycle;
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (.8,4.2) -- (1,4.2) -- (1,4.1) -- (.94,4.1) -- (.94,4.05) -- (1,4) arc (360:180:1mm and .25mm) -- (.86,4.05) -- (.86,4.1) -- (.8,4.1) -- cycle;
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (1,3.81) -- (.95,3.75) -- (.85,3.75) -- (.8,3.81);
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (.96,3.76) to[out=-50,in=230, looseness=1.8] (.84,3.76) to[out=-15,in=195] cycle;
\draw[fill=lightblue!60] (.94,3.72) to[out=-50,in=230, looseness=2] (.86,3.72) to[out=-15,in=195] cycle;
\input{random} % From Donald Arseneau (on macros/generic on CTAN)
% Random walk in the unit square (#1 = number of steps)
% idée empruntée à Denis Girou
\pscircle*[linecolor=blue](\pointless\X,\pointless\Y){0.03} % Initial point
\pscustom{\psline(-0.75,2.75)(-0.5,2.5)(!-0.5 19.5 cos 1.5 mul)
\psline(!0.5 19.5 cos 1.5 mul)(0.5,2.5)(0.75,2.75)}}
\pscustom{\psline(-0.5,2.5)(!-0.5 19.5 cos 1.5 mul)
\psline(!0.5 19.5 cos 1.5 mul)(0.5,2.5)}}
\psline[linewidth=0.05]{->}(!0.5 #1 cos mul 0.5 #1 sin mul)%
(!0.5 #1 180 add cos mul 0.5 #1 180 add sin mul)
\title{Illustration de la loi de Mariotte}
\date{29 octobre 2011}
% http://pstricks.blogspot.fr/2011/10/la-loi-de-mariotte-une-experience.html
\noindent Tous les robinets sont fermés. Le ballon A est rempli de gaz, on a fait le vide dans les 2 autres ballons.
% On place d'abord le ballon qui contient le gaz initial
% On place d'abord les tubes
% on place les robinets
% On place le manomètre
% On redessine ensuite les trois ballons avec leurs bouchons
On ouvre le robinet 1, la pression est divisée par 2 :
% On place d'abord le ballon qui contient le gaz initial
% On place d'abord les tubes
% on place les robinets
% On place le manomètre
% On redessine ensuite les trois ballons avec leurs bouchons
On ouvre le robinet 2, la pression initiale est divisée par 3 :
% On place d'abord le ballon qui contient le gaz initial
% On place d'abord les tubes
% on ajuste l'extrémité du tube de sortie
% on place les robinets
% On place le manomètre
% On redessine ensuite les trois ballons avec leurs bouchons
我曾经面临同样的情况。我想表示酸碱剂量,但使用 pst-labo 无法完全实现我的要求。我提出了一个解决方案,使用 tikz 并创建所有具有易于使用选项的实验室仪器。这个可以改进的代码具有模拟效果,考虑到这一点,我使用 tikz 创建了一个实验室包。(我使用translate.google)
%%% erlenmeyer
\draw[thick](0.45,-4)arc(0:360: .45 and .07);
\draw[thick](0.8,-7.3)arc(0:180: .8 and .23);
\fill[thick,#3!80!black,rounded corners = 1.5 pt,fill opacity=.7](-0.51,-5.4)--(-1.1,-7.05)--(-.9,-7.32)--(.9,-7.32)--(1.1,-7.05)--(0.51,-5.4)--cycle;
\draw[shift={(-.05,0)},thick,rounded corners = 1.5 pt](-0.4,-4)--++(0.15,-0.2)--++(0,-0.6)--++(-0.8,-2.25)--++(0.2,-0.27)--++(1.8,0)--++(0.2,0.27)--++(-0.8,2.25)--++(0,0.6)--++(0.15,0.2);
\filldraw[thick,#3!50](0.515,-5.48)arc(0:360: .515 and .09);
%%%% erlen
%% solution dans burette
\foreach \z in{ 1,2,...,16}{
\fill[#2!30](0.207,16.045-#1)arc(0:360: .209 and .05);}
% Goutte
\fill[#2!60](0,-3.)circle(.07 and .2);
%% solution dans burette
%% Contours Burette
\draw[thick](0.4,17.6)arc(0:360: .4 and .07);
%% Contours Burette
%% graduation Burette
\foreach \z in {0.1,0.2,...,16}{
\draw[shift={(0,\z)},color=black] (-3pt,0pt) -- (-6pt,0pt);}
\foreach \z in {0.5,...,16}{
\draw[shift={(0,\z)},color=black] (-1pt,0pt) -- (-6pt,0pt);}
\foreach \z in {0,...,16}{
\draw[shift={(0,\z)},color=black] (2pt,0pt) -- (-6pt,0pt);}
\foreach \z/\a in {0/16,1/15,2/14,3/13,4/12,5/11,6/10,7/9,8/8,9/7,10/6,11/5,12/4,13/3,14/2,15/1,16/ }{
\draw[shift={(0.02,\z-.1)},color=black] node[above,scale=#4] {\scriptsize $\a$};}
\draw[shift={(0.0,17)},color=black] node[above,scale=.9,scale=#4] {\scriptsize mL};
%% graduation Burette
%%% Robinet
\fill[red,shift={(-0.57,-0.2)}](0.26,-.325)circle(.045 and .11);
\fill[red,shift={(-0.57,0.2)}](0.26,-.325)circle(.045 and .11);
\fill[red,shift={(-0.57,0.25)}](0.26,-.325)circle(.06 and .06);
\fill[red,shift={(-0.57,-0.25)}](0.26,-.325)circle(.06 and .06);
\draw[color=black,fill=black,fill opacity=0.7] (0-.42,-0.2)--(0.2,-0.2)arc(-90:-10: .05 and -.06)--(.248,-.25)arc(-90:60: -.03 and -.09)--(.241,-.42)arc(0:90: .03 and -.043)--(.2,-.455)--(-.42,-.455)arc(-90:90: -.05 and .126);
\draw[color=black,fill=black,fill opacity=1] (0-.42,-0.2)--(-0.2,-0.2)--(-.2,-.455)--(-.42,-.455)arc(-90:90: -.05 and .126);
\fill[red](0.26,-.325)circle(.045 and .11);
\fill[red,shift={(-0.57,-0.25+.15)}](0.26,-.325)circle(.06 and .06);
%%% Robinet