{\normalfont\bfseries}% formatting commands to apply to the whole heading
{\thesection}% the label and number
{0.0em}% space between label/number and subsection title
{.{} }% formatting commands applied just to subsection title
[]% punctuation or other commands following subsection title
\titleformat{\subsection}[runin]% runin puts it in the same paragraph
{\normalfont\bfseries}% formatting commands to apply to the whole heading
{\thesubsection}% the label and number
{0.0em}% space between label/number and subsection title
{}% formatting commands applied just to subsection title
[]% punctuation or other commands following subsection title
\titleformat{\subsubsection}[runin]% runin puts it in the same paragraph
{\normalfont\bfseries}% formatting commands to apply to the whole heading
{\thesubsection}% the label and number
{0.0em}% space between label/number and subsection title
{}% formatting commands applied just to subsection title
[]% punctuation or other commands following subsection title
我会提供 MWE,但我正在使用 NiH 拨款提案模板和一堆其他结构文件。