如何保存和恢复 tikzpictures 之间的节点?

如何保存和恢复 tikzpictures 之间的节点?




A] 示例 1下一个代码显示节点未在环境“tikzpicture”本地定义。问题是节点继续存在于 tikzpicture 环境之间。我想有充分的理由...




\coordinate (a) at (1,2);
\coordinate (b) at (1,3);
\coordinate (c) at (1,4);
% save 

  \foreach \c in {a,...,c}{ \fill[red] (\c) circle (1.5 pt); }

\coordinate (a) at (2,2);
\coordinate (b) at (2,3);
\coordinate (c) at (2,4);
 \foreach \c in {a,...,c}{ \fill[blue] (\c) circle (1.5 pt); }

%restore I would like to use the same nodes like at the beginning
  \foreach \c in {a,...,c}{ \fill[red] (\c) circle (1.5 pt); } % with 


    \foreach \p in {a,b,c,pta,ptb,ptc}{\pgfnoderename{}{\p}}
    % \draw (a) -- (b) ;
    % Latex Error: ./nested_cs.tex:59 Package pgf Error: No shape named a is known.

乙] 示例 2对我来说,这是主要问题。使用宏或控制序列。关于下一个代码的一些解释。\tr``\drawpoints并且\labelpoints仅用于控制结果


  • 第一个\subone在这里取三个点ab然后c在这里找到一些中点ptaptb然后ptc

  • 然后\subtwo也使用ptaptbptc想限制临时点的数量

  • 并且\main此宏使用最后两个宏\subone\subtwo。由于\subtwo我输了ptaptb并且ptc在中定义\subone

两个宏之间的问题是:我需要在宏中使用 pta、ptb 和 ptc 来定义一个对象,而这个宏调用另一个也使用 pta、ptb 和 ptc 的宏。会产生一些副作用...我认为用节点名称来解决这个问题很困难,但也许可以用等方法解决\pta\ptb


  \def\tr[#1](#2,#3,#4){\draw[#1] (#2) -- (#3) -- (#4) --cycle;}
    \foreach \pt in {#1} {\fill (\pt) circle (2 pt);}}
    \foreach \pt in {#1} {\path  coordinate["\pt" below] () at (\pt) ;}}
   \def\subone(#1,#2,#3){% the macro defines midpoints of #1#2 #1#3 and #2#3
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#1=1,#2=1) coordinate (ptc);
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#1=1,#3=1) coordinate (ptb);
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#2=1,#3=1) coordinate (pta);
   \def\subtwo(#1,#2,#3){% the macro defines the centroid of (#1,#2,#3)
    % then some symetric points and the last one result
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#1=1,#2=1,#3=1)coordinate (ptd);
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#1=1,ptd=-2)       coordinate (pta);
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#2=1,ptd=-2)       coordinate (ptb);
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:#3=1,ptd=-2)       coordinate (ptc);
     \path[coordinate](barycentric cs:pta=1,ptb=1,ptc=-1) coordinate (result);  
    \subone(#1,#2,#3) % call to the first macro
    \subtwo(pta,ptb,ptc) % subtwo affects the values of pta,... etc.
    \draw (result) -- (pta) (result) -- (ptb) (result) -- (ptc);
    \path    coordinate (a) at (0,1)
             coordinate (b) at (5,2)
             coordinate (c) at (1,6);
     \drawpoints(pta,pt...,ptc) % this is a test midpoints are defined

    %     \subtwo(a,b,c) % test subtwo is correct
    % \drawpoints(pta,pt...,ptd,result)
    % \labelpoints(pta,pt...,ptd,result)
    % \tr[blue](pta,ptb,ptc)




我尝试了不同的方法。第一个想法是使用 tikz/pgf 中的工具,如 \pgfnodealias和,pgfnoderename但这些宏似乎

指向\pgfnodealias{n_pta}{pta} n_pta但是ptapta重新定义时则n_pta指向新值所以我丢失了旧值。

\pgfnoderename{n_pta}{pta} n_pta替换“pta”则这个丢失了!


    \global\expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname{\tkzsavepoint}% 
% ex \SavedCoordPoint{pta}{pta}

也许这个代码可以重写,但想法是将的坐标保存pta 到宏中\pta。现在我需要重写所有代码,因为我需要使用宏而不是节点的名称。

\pgf@process也许另一个宏对于恢复坐标有用 。


为了得到三角形 ABC 的欧拉中心,我需要

1)获取(A,B,C)的 CentroidTriangle,其\tkzDefCentroidTriangle(A,B,C){tkz@pta,tkz@ptb,tkz@ptc} {tkz@pta,tkz@ptb,tkz@ptc}是每个线段的中点。

2)然后我需要得到{tkz@pta,tkz@ptb,tkz@ptc} \tkzCircumCenter(tkz@pta,tkz@ptb,tkz@ptc)





以下是一些代码,用于保存指定节点列表的所有数据,然后稍后可以在文档中恢复这些数据。它在内部使用 LaTeX3 的东西,因为它更多的是关于编程和扩展,而 L3 可以做到这一点所以容易多了。



% We save our information in a ``property list'', which is L3's
% version of an associative array or dictionary.  They keys will give
% the ability to store several groups of nodes and restore them at
% will.
\prop_new:N \g__sn_prop
% We'll need a token list for constructing the saved data.
\tl_new:N \l__sn_tmpa_tl

% This is the command that actually does the work.  It constructs a
% token list which contains the code that will restore the node data
% when invoked.  The two arguments are the name of this group (for
% reference later) and a comma separated list of the node names to be
% saved.
\cs_new_nopar:Npn \save_nodes:nn #1#2
  % Clear our token list
  \tl_clear:N \l__sn_tmpa_tl
  % Iterate over the list of node names
  \clist_map_inline:nn {#2}
    % Before we start trying to save the node, check that it exists.
    % The macro \pgf@sh@ns@nodename is only defined if that node exists.
    \tl_if_exist:cT {pgf@sh@ns@##1}
      % The node information is stored in a series of macros of the form
      % \pgf@sh@XX@nodename where XX is one of the following.
      \clist_map_inline:nn {ns,np,ma,nt,pi}
        % Our token list will look like:
        % \tl_set:cn {pgf@sh@XX@nodename} {<current contents of that macro>}
        % This will restore \pgf@sh@XX@nodename to its current value
        % when this list is invoked.
        % This part puts the \tl_set:cn {pgf@sh@XX@nodename} in place
        \tl_put_right:Nn \l__sn_tmpa_tl
          \tl_set:cn {pgf@sh@####1@##1}
        % Now we put the current contents in place.  We're doing this in
        % an expansive context to get at the contents.  The \exp_not:v
        % part takes the current value of \pgf@sh@XX@nodename and puts
        % it in place, preventing further expansion.
        \tl_put_right:Nx \l__sn_tmpa_tl {{\exp_not:v {pgf@sh@####1@##1}}}
  % Once we've assembled our token list, we store it in the property
  % list using the key we were given.
  \prop_gput:NnV \g__sn_prop {#1} \l__sn_tmpa_tl

\cs_new_nopar:Npn \restore_nodes:n #1
  % Restoring nodes is simple: look in the property list for the key
  % and if it exists, invoke the macro stored there.
  \prop_get:NnNT \g__sn_prop {#1} \l__sn_tmpa_tl
    \tl_use:N \l__sn_tmpa_tl

% These two are wrappers around our internal commands.
% The first argument is the label for our group of nodes (so that we
% can refer to them later) and the second argument is a comma
% separated list of nodes to save.
\DeclareDocumentCommand \SaveNodes {m m}
  \save_nodes:nn {#1}{#2}

% The argument to this is the label for our group of nodes to restore.
\DeclareDocumentCommand \RestoreNodes {m}
  \restore_nodes:n {#1}



\coordinate (a) at (1,2);
\coordinate (b) at (1,3);
\coordinate (c) at (1,4);
% save

\fill[black] (0,0) circle (1.5 pt);
  \foreach \c in {a,...,c}{ \fill[red] (\c) circle (1.5 pt); }

\coordinate (a) at (2,2);
\coordinate (b) at (2,3);
\coordinate (c) at (2,4);
\fill[black] (0,0) circle (1.5 pt);
 \foreach \c in {a,...,c}{ \fill[blue] (\c) circle (1.5 pt); }

%restore I would like to use the same nodes like at the beginning
\fill[black] (0,0) circle (1.5 pt);
  \foreach \c in {a,...,c}{ \fill[red] (\c) circle (1.5 pt); } % with 



这是非 L3 版本。它以每个节点为基础工作(但如果节点始终具有相同的名称,则您可能可以将其包装起来)。


  \expandafter\let\expandafter\sn@temp\csname pgf@sh@#1@#2\endcsname
    \expandafter\gdef\csname pgf@sh@#1@#2\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{%

% {ns,np,ma,nt,pi}
  \expandafter\global\expandafter\let\csname sn@#1\endcsname\sn@tempa

  \csname sn@#1\endcsname










    m % macro
    m % list
    m % number : -1 for the last 
  \tl_set:Nx #1 {\clist_item:Nn #2 { #3 } }

  \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 }
    \cs_set:cpx { ##1 } { a-\NumNode-\theLittNode }

% counter for naming nodes

% level of calling

% node named #1 at the current level

\makeatletter % ------------------------ #### Make @ Letter

% -------------------------------------- #### AtBeginTikzMacro
    \expandafter\edef\csname OutPut-\NumNode\endcsname{#1}
    \begingroup % au début de chaque macro

% -------------------------------------- #### KeepUsefullNodes
    \endgroup   % à la fin de chaque macro
    \edef\Sortie{\csname OutPut-\NumNode \endcsname}
    \foreach \Nd [count=\i from 1]
        in \Sortie {%
        \coordinate (\Nd) at (\N{\i}) ;

\def\tr[#1](#2,#3,#4){\draw[#1] (#2) -- (#3) -- (#4) --cycle;}
\foreach \pt in {#1} {\fill (\pt) circle (2 pt);}}
\foreach \pt in {#1} {\path  coordinate["\pt" below] () at (\pt) ;}}

% #### --------------------------------- #### NodeAngle ####
    % #1 premier point
    % #2 second point
    % On récupère le résultat dans \MyAngle

% #### --------------------------------- #### NodeDist ####
    % #1 premier point
    % #2 second point
    % On récupère le résultat dans \MyDist
    % no need to use a new dimen
    % to convert from pt to cm   
    \global\let#1\pgfmathresult % we need a global macro    

% #### --------------------------------- #### AngleBAC ####


    \let\Angl@A\pgfmathresult ;

    \let\Angl@B\pgfmathresult ;

    \let\Angl@A\pgfmathresult ;
    \expandafter\xdef\csname angle#1\endcsname{\Angl@A}

    \expandafter\xdef\csname Cos#1\endcsname{\pgfmathresult}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname Sin#1\endcsname{\pgfmathresult}
    \expandafter\xdef\csname Tan#1\endcsname{\pgfmathresult}


% #### --------------------------------- #### Milieux ####
    s   % * liste de segments, polygone sinon
    O{} % liste de retour
    m   % liste d'entrée
        % On peut utiliser foreach, mais il ne faut jamais
        % que les noms de variables croisent les noms des nodes
    \foreach \A@/\B@ in {#3} {%
        % On utilise le même nom de macro,
        % mais elle pointe à chaque fois un nouveau nom de node.
        % A la fin on récupère les noms de node
        % pas le nom des macros.
        % On utilisera le même truc à chaque fois que
        % c'est possible.

        % On déclare un node local ou un liste à la fois,
        % sans le \
        % Dans une macro, le nom des nodes locaux sont utilisés
        % avec un \ puisque que ce sont des macros
    \coordinate  (\Milieu) at (barycentric cs:\A@=1,\B@=1) ;
        \foreach \x@
            [remember=\x@ as \lastx (initially \Lastx)] in {#3} {%
        \coordinate  (\Milieu) at (barycentric cs:\lastx=1,\x@=1) ;

% #### --------------------------------- #### DtEuler ####



    % Calcul des tangentes

    % isobarycentre
    \coordinate  (\G) at (barycentric cs:\A=1,\B=1,\C=1) ;

    % horthocentre
    \coordinate (\H) at (barycentric
                        cs:\A=\Tan@A,\B=\Tan@B,\C=\Tan@C) ;

    % centre du cercle circonscrit
    \coordinate (\O) at (barycentric
            cs:\A=\Tan@B+\Tan@C,\B=\Tan@A+\Tan@C,\C=\Tan@A+\Tan@B) ;


% #### --------------------------------- #### ProjMAB ####



    % Calcul des tangentes

    % horthocentre
    \coordinate (\H) at (barycentric
                    cs:\A=\Tan@MAB,\B=\Tan@MBA) ;


\makeatother % ------------------------- #### Make @ Other

% #### --------------------------------- #### ProjABC ####





% #### --------------------------------- #### CercleABC ####
    O{} % centre
    m   % A,B,C
    D<>{}   % option pour draw





    \node[circle through=(\A),#3] at (\O) {};


% #### --------------------------------- #### CercleEuler ####
    O{} % renvoie dans l'ordre:
        % le centre,
        % 3 milieux,
        % 3 projetés,
        % 3 milieux orthocentre-sommet
        % G,H,O
    m   % A,B,C
    D<>{}   % option pour draw






    small dot/.style 2 args={fill=#1,circle,scale=#2},
    small dot/.default={black}{.3},

    O{} % #1 option du path
    m   % #2 premier point sans ()
    m   % #3 second point sans ()
    m   % #4 longueur dans un sens
    m   % #5 longueur dans l'autre
        \path[#1] ($(#3)!#4!(#2)$) -- ($(#2)!#5!(#3)$) ;

% #1 taille du carré defaut 5pt
% #2 Argument boucle foreach             ---- Angle droit ----
% Point / Angle droit / Point
    s       % angle droite simple avec deux points
    D<>{very thin}      % option path
    O{5pt}  % taille du carré
    m       % liste de triplets ou de couples (*)
    \foreach \B/\A in {#4} {%
        \draw[#2] ($(\B)!#3!(\A)$)
        --($ (\B)!2!($($(\B)!#3!(\A)$)!.5!($(\B)!#3!#190:(\A)$)$)$)
        --($(\B)!#3!#190:(\A)$) ; }
    \foreach \A/\B/\C in {#4} {%
        \draw[#2] ($(\B)!#3!(\A)$)
        --($ (\B)!2!($($(\B)!#3!(\A)$)!.5!($(\B)!#3!(\C)$)$) $)
        --($(\B)!#3!(\C)$) ; }



\coordinate (a) at (0,1) ;
\coordinate (b) at (7,1) ;
\coordinate (c) at (1,6.4) ;





\draw[draw,red,dashed] (a)--(P1) (b)--(P2) (c)--(P3) ;

\draw[green,dashed] (a)--(I) (b)--(J) (c)--(K) ;


\foreach \Coor/\Text/\Pos in 
    } {
    \node[small dot] at (\Coor) {} ;
    \node[shift=(\Pos:8pt),anchor=center] at (\Coor) {\small\Text} ;

