\lipsum 默认在每个应用程序中产生不同的段落

\lipsum 默认在每个应用程序中产生不同的段落

我为学生编写了一个模板 latex 文件。在这个文件中,我使用\lipsum命令作为节的占位符。下面您将看到一个不是绝对最小的示例,但模板的一个相当精简的版本。请求是一些魔法,使每个\lipsum生成不同的段落

\title{My First Article} 
\author{First Last\\
  \url{mailto:[email protected]}\\
    Department of Computer Science\\
    Technion---Israel Institute of Technology\\

% Only one of the following lines should be uncommented:
% \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn]{article} % Uncomment this line for 10pt/double column
  \documentclass{article}                 % Uncomment this line for 12t/single column




    \normalsize \rmfamily\scshape\bfseries
      Thou Mortal, Be Warned. \newline
      Thou Shallt Not Remove \newline
      This Commandment \newline
      While There Are Signs of Haste \newline
      in This Document!!!!\newline


Something short: \lipsum



\paragraph{Outline} \lipsum






% change to the number of paragraphs you want;
% the number of generated paragraphs is \yomany+1
\newcommand{\yomany}{2} % can be 0


\section{Three pars}


\section{Three pars}


\section{Three pars}


