我搜索了很多关于 ma 问题的内容,但没有得到任何有用的结果。所以我希望在这里得到帮助。我正在使用 natbib 包进行参考引用。我想在“DIN ISO 690”格式,因为我的论文需要以这种格式提交给大学。我使用英语。有关 DIN ISO 的更多信息可以找到这里,原文是德文,英文版是这里。我不知道 biblatex 包,所以不使用它,而且提交的时间真的很短。
有人知道如何使用 natbib 包在 LaTeX 中获取 DIN ISO-690 格式吗?我如何将书目样式更改为 DIN ISO-690?提前致谢
我的示例代码如下,包括使用的包和 bib 文件,
% packages
\renewcommand{\nomname}{List of Symbols}
\usepackage{blindtext} % needed for creating dummy text passages
%\usepackage{ngerman} % needed for German default language
\usepackage{amsmath} % needed for command eqref
\usepackage{amssymb} % needed for math fonts
]{hyperref} % needed for creating hyperlinks in the document, the option colorlinks=true gets rid of the awful boxes, breaklinks breaks lonkg links (list of figures), and ngerman sets everything for german as default hyperlinks language
\usepackage[hyphenbreaks]{breakurl} % ben�tigt f�r das Brechen von URLs in Literaturreferenzen, hyphenbreaks auch bei links, die �ber eine Seite gehen (mit hyphenation).
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linkcolor={c1}, % internal links
citecolor={c2}, % citations
urlcolor={c3} % external links/urls
\usepackage{cite} % needed for cite
%\usepackage[round, authoryear]{natbib} % needed for cite and abbrvnat bibliography style
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % needed for displaying bibliography and other in the table of contents
\usepackage{graphicx} % needed for \includegraphics
\usepackage{longtable} % needed for long tables over pages
\usepackage{bigstrut} % needed for the command \bigstrut
\usepackage{enumerate} % needed for some options in enumerate
\usepackage{todonotes} % needed for todos
\usepackage{makeidx} % needed for creating an index
Someone name some man, \citet{farrar2007introduction}. \\ woman....\citet{castillo2009unified}......asölwnd......\citet{herrmann2014structural}....... SHM-Automotive..........\citet{smith2007introduction}........ \citet{wenzel2008health}.........
以下是使用 citavi 软件为参考文献管理创建的 bib 文件示例。
% This file was created with Citavi
author = {Adams, D.},
year = {2007},
title = {Health Monitoring of Structural Materials and Components: Methods with Applications},
publisher = {Wiley},
isbn = {9780470511572}
author = {Castillo, Enrique and Fern{\'a}ndez-Canteli, Alfonso.},
year = {2009},
title = {A unified statistical methodology for modeling fatigue damage},
keywords = {Fatigue;Materials;Mathematical models},
address = {Abington},
publisher = {Springer},
isbn = {9781402091827}
author = {Farrar, C. R. and Worden, K.},
year = {2007},
title = {An introduction to structural health monitoring},
pages = {303--315},
volume = {365},
number = {1851},
issn = {1364-503X},
journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}
author = {Herrmann, S. and Wellnitz, J. and Jahn, S. and Leonhardt, S.},
title = {Structural Health Monitoring for Carbon Fiber Resin Composite Car Body Structures},
pages = {75--96},
publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}},
isbn = {978-3-319-01883-6},
series = {Lecture Notes in Mobility},
editor = {Wellnitz, J{\"o}rg and Subic, Aleksandar and Trufin, Ramona},
booktitle = {Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2013},
year = {2014},
address = {Cham},
doi = {\url{10.1007/978-3-319-01884-3{\textunderscore }8}}
author = {Smith, J. O.},
year = {2008},
title = {Introduction to Digital Filters: With Audio Applications},
publisher = {W3K},
isbn = {9780974560717}
author = {Wenzel, H.},
year = {2008},
title = {Health Monitoring of Bridges},
publisher = {Wiley},
isbn = {9780470740187}
这ISO 690 维基百科页面声称该标准涉及必需元素,或输入,书目参考,并且它与排版输出的格式无关。如果此信息正确,那么谈论符合 ISO690 的 BibTeX 或 biblatex 样式就没有多大意义了:几乎所有不会删除标准要求的字段的 BibTeX 和 biblatex 样式都会自动正常。
同样地,在ISO 690:2010(英文)页面上,可以找到以下段落:“本国际标准不规定参考或引用的特定样式。本国际标准中使用的例子并不规定样式和标点符号。”
因此,在此阶段您需要做的就是确保 (a) 您的 bib 条目中没有缺少任何必填字段,以及 (b) 您使用的任何 BibTeX 或 biblatex 样式都不会丢失任何必填字段。