干得好 …
(loaded by xcolor
) 为表格中的行着色,并使用 TikZ 在其周围绘制框架。代码注释中还有一些解释,如果我需要更详细地解释某些内容,请告诉我。
% set page size
paperwidth = 3.5in,
paperheight = 2in,
margin = 0.15in,
% load array for the '>{stuff}' syntax in tabular
% load xcolor to define the colors
% 'table' option loads colortbl (reccomended way)
% define the colors for the rows
% make rows a bit higher
% we want to use TikZ to add the border around the page
% to get it at the right position, compile twice!
% content should be centered and in monotype font:
% 1. the border, relative to the 'current page' node
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\draw [rounded corners = 3mm, thick] ($(current page.north west)+(0.1in,-0.1in)$)
rectangle ($(current page.south east)+(-0.1in,0.1in)$);
% 2. the table containing the random codes
% - '>{\scriptsize}' manes add '\scriptsize' to every cell in this col
% - '\rowcolor{row1}' colors the row – who had guessed that ;-)
& Header row with same amount of characters \\
\rowcolor{row1} 1 & Some quite random charachters in this row \\
\rowcolor{row2} 2 & Some quite random+=!@\#\$\%\textasciicircum\&*()\_-\textbackslash|'"`\textasciitilde \\
\rowcolor{row3} 3 & \verb?Some quite random+=!@#$%^&*()_-\|'"`~? \\
\rowcolor{row4} 4 & Some quite random charachters in this row \\
\rowcolor{row5} 5 & Some quite random charachters in this row \\
\rowcolor{row6} 6 & Some quite random charachters in this row \\
\rowcolor{row7} 7 & Some quite random charachters in this row \\
\rowcolor{row8} 8 & Some quite random charachters in this row \\
% 3. the smaller code at the bottom
% - \vfill inserst a stretchabe space, so the code is shifted to the
% bottom of the page
Smaller code