

我需要文本 CT1 1mm,另一个 CT... 被旋转并多行显示为两行。我不知道该怎么做。非常感谢 :)


\begin {table} [H]
&       &   Objem z DVH &   a   &   $V_{exp}$   \\
&       &   [$cm^{3}$]  &   [cm]    &   [$cm^{3}$]  \\
CT1 1mm &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   7,82    &   0,97    &   8,73    \\
&   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   8,3 &   0,91    &   8,19    \\
CT1 3mm &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   7,31    &   1   &   9   \\
&   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   8,43    &   0,98    &   8,82    \\
CT2 1mm &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   8,02    &   1,01    &   9,09    \\
&   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   8,73    &   0,97    &   8,73    \\
CT2 3mm &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   7,57    &   0,96    &   8,64    \\
&   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   7,91    &   0,91    &   8,19    \\

\end {table}


我提出了三种解决方案,将旋转的标题放在两centred行上。我在两种解决方案中加载了tabularx,makecell to improve padding of cells and allow line breaks in cells,booktabs`:

\usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{mathtools,amssymb}
\usepackage{multirow, tabularx, makecell, rotating, graphicx, siunitx, booktabs}
\newcommand\rottitle[2]{\multirowcell{#1}{\rotatebox[origin =r]{90}{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}#2\end{tabular}}}}%

\begin {table}%
\centering\sisetup{table-format=1.2, table-number-alignment=center}
                   & & {\makecell{Objem z DVH & & \\{} [\si{cm³}]}} & {\makecell{a \\{} [cm]}} & {\makecell{$V_{\text{exp}}$ \\{}[\si{cm³}]}}\\
  \rottitle{2}{CT1 & & & & \\ 1\,mm} & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,82 & 0,97 & 8,73 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,3 & 0,91 & 8,19 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT1\\ 3\,mm}%
                   & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,31 & 1 & 9 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,43 & 0,98 & 8,82 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT2 & & & & \\ 1\,mm} & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 8,02 & 1,01 & 9,09 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,73 & 0,97 & 8,73 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT2 & & & & \\ 3\,mm }& Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,57 & 0,96 & 8,64 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 7,91 & 0,91 & 8,19 \\
\end {table}

\begin {table}% [H]
\centering\sisetup{table-format=1.2, table-number-alignment=center}
                   & & {\makecell{Objem z DVH & & \\{} [\si{cm³}]}} & {\makecell{a \\{} [cm]}} & {\makecell{$V_{\text{exp}}$\\{} [\si{cm³}]}}\\
  \rottitle{2}{CT1 & & & & \\ 1\,mm} & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,82 & 0,97 & 8,73 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,3 & 0,91 & 8,19 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT1\\ 3\,mm}%
                   & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,31 & 1 & 9 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,43 & 0,98 & 8,82 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT2 & & & & \\ 1\,mm} & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 8,02 & 1,01 & 9,09 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,73 & 0,97 & 8,73 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT2 & & & & \\ 3\,mm }& Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,57 & 0,96 & 8,64 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 7,91 & 0,91 & 8,19 \\
\end {table}

\begin {table}% [H]
\centering\sisetup{table-format=1.2, table-number-alignment=center}
                   & & {\makecell{Objem z DVH & & \\{} [\si{cm³}]}} & {\makecell{a \\{} [cm]}} & {\makecell{$V_{\text{exp}}$\\{} [\si{cm³}]}}\\
  \rottitle{2}{CT1 & & & & \\ 1\,mm} & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,82 & 0,97 & 8,73 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,3 & 0,91 & 8,19 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT1\\ 3\,mm}%
                   & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,31 & 1 & 9 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,43 & 0,98 & 8,82 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT2 & & & & \\ 1\,mm} & Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 8,02 & 1,01 & 9,09 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 8,73 & 0,97 & 8,73 \\
  \rottitle{2}{CT2 & & & & \\ 3\,mm }& Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$ & 7,57 & 0,96 & 8,64 \\
                   & Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$ & 7,91 & 0,91 & 8,19 \\
\end {table}


在此处输入图片描述 在此处输入图片描述




对于上表,我添加了两个包:makecell和,rotatingsiunitx不是(未知)P{...}使用标准cl并使用S[...]来自siunitx. For rotating of cells contents in the first column \the\rothead from packagemakecell`。希望代码是不言自明的......


    \settowidth\rotheadsize{\theadfont 1 mm}

    \begin {table}[htb]
    &       &   {\thead{Objem z DVH\\ {[\si{cm^3}]}}}
                &   {\thead{a\\{[\si{cm^3}]}}}
                    &   {\thead{$V_{exp}$\\ {[\si{cm^3}]}}}                  \\
    \multirow{2}*[1ex]{\rothead{CT1 1mm}}
            &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   7,82    &   0,97    &   8,73    \\
            &   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   8,3     &   0,91    &   8,19    \\
    \multirow{2}*[1ex]{\rothead{CT1 3mm}}
            &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   7,31    &   1   &   9   \\
            &   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   8,43    &   0,98    &   8,82    \\
    \multirow{2}*[1ex]{\rothead{CT2 1mm}}
            &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   8,02    &   1,01    &   9,09    \\
            &   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   8,73    &   0,97    &   8,73    \\
    \multirow{2}*[1ex]{\rothead{CT2 3mm}}
            &   Medzi $10$ a $9,5 Gy$   &   7,57    &   0,96    &   8,64    \\
            &   Medzi $10,5$ a $10 Gy$  &   7,91    &   0,91    &   8,19    \\
    \caption{My very important and nice table}
    \end {table}


