正如我之前问过但尚未解决的问题,我注意到在我的参考文献列表中,那些在年份周围带有括号的参考文献在页码上没有 pp,而那些在年份周围没有括号的参考文献在页码上有 pp。我正在使用以下 bst 文件:elsarticle-num.bst
,即使使用其他标准 bst 文件(例如),问题仍然存在apa.bst
[6]blah blah blah,2012年第15-23页
\usepackage[english, spanish]{babel}
我将 bibtex 与 Xetex 结合使用。我该如何解决这个问题?请参阅附件中的输出:
Title = {Arithmetic with membranes},
Author = {A. Atanasiu},
Booktitle = {Pre-proc. In Workshop on Multiset Processing, Curtea de Arges, Romania},
Year = {2000},
Pages = {1-17},
Volume = {140},
Owner = {HP},
Timestamp = {2015.05.10}
Title = {Automatic design of a P system for basic arithmetic operations},
Author = {Y. Chen and G. Zhang and T. Wang and X. Huang},
Journal = {Chinese Journal of Electronics},
Year = {2014},
Number = {2},
Pages = {302-304},
Volume = {23},
Owner = {HP},
Timestamp = {2015.05.10}
Title = {Fraction arithmetic operations performed by P systems},
Author = {Guo, Ping and Zhang, Hong and Chen, HZ and Chen, JX},
Journal = {Chinese Journal of Electronics},
Year = {2013},
Number = {4},
Pages = {689-694},
Volume = {22}
Title = {Performing four basic arithmetic operations with spiking neural P systems},
Author = {Zeng, Xiangxiang and Song, Tao and Zhang, Xingyi and Pan, Linqiang},
Journal = {NanoBioscience, IEEE Transactions on},
Year = {2012},
Number = {4},
Pages = {366-374},
Volume = {11},
Publisher = {IEEE}
Title = {Arithmetic Operation in membrane system},
Author = {P. Guo and J. Chen},
Booktitle = {proceedings of the 2008 international conference on BioMedical Engineering and informatics},
Year = {2008},
Pages = {13-39},
Owner = {HP},
Timestamp = {2015.05.10}
两个条目的年份字段排版没有括号,属于 类型@conference
。相比之下,三个条目的年份字段排版和周围的括号是 类型@article
相反,我会花时间确保所有字段的内容都是正确的,并且标题字段中的任何单词都不会被不恰当地小写。例如,“ P
”中的“ P systems
条目类型可能是更好的选择。仅仅因为您从在线来源(例如,Google Scholar)获得了条目,并不能保证材料在事实上是正确的。
Title = {Arithmetic with membranes},
Author = {A. Atanasiu},
Booktitle = {Pre-proc. In Workshop on Multiset Processing, {Curtea de Arges}, Romania},
Year = {2000},
Pages = {1-17},
Volume = {140},
Owner = {HP},
Timestamp = {2015.05.10}
Title = {Automatic design of a {P} system for basic arithmetic operations},
Author = {Y. Chen and G. Zhang and T. Wang and X. Huang},
Journal = {Chinese Journal of Electronics},
Year = {2014},
Number = {2},
Pages = {302-304},
Volume = {23},
Owner = {HP},
Timestamp = {2015.05.10}
Title = {Fraction arithmetic operations performed by {P} systems},
Author = {Guo, Ping and Zhang, Hong and Chen, H Z and Chen, J X},
Journal = {Chinese Journal of Electronics},
Year = {2013},
Number = {4},
Pages = {689-694},
Volume = {22}
Title = {Performing four basic arithmetic operations with spiking neural {P} systems},
Author = {Zeng, Xiangxiang and Song, Tao and Zhang, Xingyi and Pan, Linqiang},
Journal = {IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience},
Year = {2012},
Number = {4},
Pages = {366-374},
Volume = {11},
Publisher = {IEEE}
Title = {Arithmetic Operation in membrane system},
Author = {P. Guo and J. Chen},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on BioMedical Engineering and informatics},
Year = {2008},
Pages = {13-39},
Owner = {HP},
Timestamp = {2015.05.10}
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