我正在尝试为我的论文中的一些选定章节添加摘要。我正在使用 shareLatex,并选择了他们免费提供的模板(剑桥模板)。问题是该文件中有很多文件夹,您必须独立处理每个文件。我对 latex 的这种方式还不太熟悉,我希望得到详细的解释。例如,在这个 shareLatex 中,其中一个文件夹称为“Macros”,其他文件夹称为“Classes”,依此类推。thesis.tex 具有以下 %input 宏(即编写您自己的宏文件 MacroFile1.tex)
\pdfinfo { /Title (CUED PhD and MPhil Thesis Classes)
/Creator (TeX)
/Producer (pdfTeX)
/Author (######@gmail.com)
/CreationDate (D:20030101000000) %format D:YYYYMMDDhhmmss
/ModDate (D:20030815213532)
/Subject (Writing a PhD thesis in LaTeX)
/Keywords (PhD, Thesis)}
\pdfcatalog { /PageMode (/UseOutlines)
/OpenAction (fitbh) }
\title{Writing a PhD Thesis\\[1ex]
in \LaTeXe}
\author{\href{mailto:####[email protected]}{######}}
\collegeordept{\href{http://business-school.exeter.ac.uk/research/areas/topics/economics}{Department of Economics}}
\university{\href{http://www.exeter.ac.uk}{University of Exeter}}
% insert below the file name that contains the crest in-place of 'UnivShield'
% insert below the file name that contains the crest in-place of 'UnivShield'
\crest{\includegraphics[bb = 0 0 292 336, width=30mm]{UnivShield}}
% insert below the file name that contains the crest in-place of 'UnivShield'
% \crest{\IncludeGraphicsW{UnivShield}{40mm}{14 14 73 81}}
%\renewcommand{\submittedtext}{change the default text here if needed}
\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\degreedate{Yet to be decided}
% turn of those nasty overfull and underfull hboxes
% Put all the style files you want in the directory StyleFiles and usepackage like this:
% Comment out the next line to get single spacing
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
\newtheoremstyle{named}{}{}{\itshape}{}{\bfseries}{.}{.5em}{\thmnote{#3's }#1}
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
\newcommand\equDis{\,{\buildrel d \over =}\,}
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
\DeclareMathOperator{\RNB}{\mathbb{R}} % Real NUmber Bold
\DeclareMathOperator{\sign}{sign} % sign Operator
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
% A page with the abstract on including title and author etc may be
% required to be handed in separately. If this is not so, then comment
% the below 3 lines (between '\begin{abstractseparte}' and
% 'end{abstractseparate}'), normally like a declaration ... needs some more
% work, mind as environment abstracts creates a new page!
% \begin{abstractseparate}
% \input{Abstract/abstract}
% \end{abstractseparate}
% Using the watermark package which is in StyleFiles/
% and to remove DRAFT COPY ONLY appearing on the top of all pages comment out below line
%\watermark{DRAFT COPY ONLY}
%set the number of sectioning levels that get number and appear in the contents
\frontmatter % book mode only
\printnomenclature %% Print the nomenclature
\mainmatter % book mode only
\backmatter % book mode only
\renewcommand{\bibname}{References} % changes default name Bibliography to References
\bibliography{References/references} % References file
通过互联网,似乎很明显每个 latex 文件在 latex 中都有自己的文档类 (\documentclass)。在我使用的模板中,我应该访问一个名为“Classes”的文件夹并按照“CUEDthesisPSnPDF”进行操作。在文件“CUEDthesisPSnPDF”中,我在此文件下搜索了摘要,我编写了以下环境
\Large \bfseries Abstract \vspace{-.5em}\vspace{0pt}
\setlength{\leftmargin}{5mm}% <---------- CHANGE HERE
I am good
\section{ One}