\ifthenelse 处理不等式和表达式,使用 \pgfmathparse

\ifthenelse 处理不等式和表达式,使用 \pgfmathparse

我正在尝试编写一个函数,该函数绘制一个矩阵,其中包含一些 1(黑色)和 0(白色),并且 1 和 0 的分布具有一定的模式。我只想绘制 1,但前提是它们在矩阵的边界内,并且需要评估矩阵索引上的一些不等式来测试这一点。这是一个 MWE:

\newcommand{\LStepMatrix}[6] {
  % #1 origin:  top left corner of the matrix
  % #2: N number of cols in the matrix
  % #3: M number of rows in the matrix
  % #4: L size of the step
  % #5: The numeric sequence used for this matrix
  % #6: scale factor for the figure

  % Draw the zeros
  \foreach \i in {1,2,...,#2} {
    \foreach \j in {1,2,...,#3} {
      \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,draw,inner sep=0] at ($#1+#6*(\i,-\j)$) {};

  % Draw the ones in the positions of the numeric sequence
  \foreach \i in {1,2,...,#3} { % Iterate over the rows
    \foreach \j in {#5} {
      %% \pgfmathparse{\i*#4-\j > -1? "gtz":"ltz"} \edef\mycol{\pgfmathresult}
      %% \ifthenelse {\equal{\mycol}{gtz}} { % If we are inside the boundaries of the matrix print the bit
      %%   \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,fill=black,inner sep=0] at ($#1+#6*(\i*#4-\j+1,-\i)$) {};
      %% } {                                 %Otherwise don't print the bit
      %% }

      \pgfmathparse{\i*#4-\j} \edef\mycol{\pgfmathresult}
      \ifthenelse {2>1} { % If we are inside the boundaries of the matrix print the bit
        \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,fill=black,inner sep=0] at ($#1+#6*(\i*#4-\j+1,-\i)$) {};
      } {                                 %Otherwise don't print the bit


我正在尝试使用 \pgfmathparse 来评估我想要在矩阵第 i 行中绘制的位的位置。有一个测试 2>1 始终为真,即:它始终绘制位。如果我将该测试更改为 \mycol>0,Latex 不会接受它。我只想在矩阵边界内绘制位。

我找到了一个解决方案,上面有注释。我评估列的表达式,进行比较,并根据测试是在矩阵内部还是外部返回字符串 gtz 或 ltz。然后我在 \ifthenelse 中测试该字符串并相应地绘制或不绘制位。然而,我觉得这是一种次优的方法,需要定义一个中间字符串来确定测试的有效性。我如何评估表达式 \i*#4-\j 并根据此表达式的范围排版不同的代码?



  \foreach \i in {1,2,...,#3} { % Iterate over the rows
    \foreach \j in {#5} {
      \pgfmathparse{\i*#4-\j > -1 ? 1 : 0}
      \ifthenelse {\pgfmathresult>0} 
        {% If we are inside the boundaries of the matrix print the bit
         \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,fill=black,inner sep=0] 
           at ($#1+#6*(\i*#4-\j+1,-\i)$) {};
        {}% otherwise do nothing


可以。您尝试的测试的问题是\pgfmathparse{\i*#4-\j}变成\pgfmathresult了一个带有小数部分的数字,不适合 的数字测试\ifthenelse




\newcommand{\LStepMatrix}[6] {%
    % #1 origin:  top left corner of the matrix
    % #2: N number of cols in the matrix
    % #3: M number of rows in the matrix
    % #4: L size of the step
    % #5: The numeric sequence used for this matrix
    % #6: scale factor for the figure
    % Draw the zeros
    \foreach \i in {1,2,...,#2} {
        \foreach \j in {1,2,...,#3} {
            \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,draw,inner sep=0] at 
             ($#1+#6*(\i,-\j)$) {};
    % Draw the ones in the positions of the numeric sequence
    \foreach \i in {1,2,...,#3} { % Iterate over the rows
        \foreach \j in {#5} {
             \ifnum \numexpr\i*#4-\j > -1 
               \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,fill=black,inner sep=0] at ($#1+#6*(\i*#4-\j+1,-\i)$) {};
             \ifnum \numexpr\i*#4-\j > 1 
                \node[minimum width=#6cm,minimum height=#6cm,fill=black,inner sep=0] at ($#1+#6*(\i*#4-\j+1,-\i)$) {};


