


我有一个 LaTeX 表格,宽度为 5 列,深度约为 100 行,我想将整行格式化为粗体字体,而不是将每个单元格条目更改为粗体。我不希望每一行都变成粗体,只希望某一选定行变成粗体。




\caption{List of the gamma rays from TS1 and TS2 in the energy region from 140 keV to 655 keV}
Energy & Energy & Origin & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Branching} & Av. peak  & Av. Peak \\

Measured & Measured & \&    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Ratio } & count rate in & count rate \\
TS1   & TS2   & Process & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(emission} & TS1 [1/hr]  & TS2  \\
 (keV) & (keV) &       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{probability} & Beam on  & [1/hr]  \\
      &       &       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{per decay)} & (Beam off) &  \\
140.38 & 140.31 & 75m-Ge (IT) & 39\%  & 461 (0) & 17 \\
159.70 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 15.00\% & 411 (0) & -- \\
175.77 & --    & 70-Ge (n,G) & 25.00\% & 272 (0) & -- \\
186.39 & 186.59 & 235-U (A) & 57.20\% & 44 (56) & 43 \\
199.02 & 199.07 & 71-Ge (EC) & N/A   & 440 (0) & 38 \\
239.20 & 239.19 & 212-Pb (B-) & 43.30\% & 192 (197) & 186 \\
242.41 & 242.59 & 214-Pb (B-) & 7.43\% & 52 (57) & 79 \\
250.75 & --    & 39-Cl (B-) & 46.30\% & 177 (0) & -- \\
--    & 272.36 & 173-Lu (EC) & 21.20\% & --    & 48 \\
278.51 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 24.00\% & 296 (0) & -- \\
295.65 & 295.55 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 92 (133) & 134 \\
320.41 & --    & 51-Cr (EC) & 10.00\% & 16 (17) & -- \\
338.61 & 338.78 & 228-Ac (B-) & 11.27\% & 43 (41) & 50 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 56-Fe (n,G) & 9.50\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
440.09 & --    & 23-Mg (EC) & 8.20\% & 131 (0) & -- \\
463.21 & 463.31 & 228-Ac (B-) & 4.40\% & 25 (17) & 14 \\
472.27 & --    & 23-Na (n,G) & 90.39\% & 81 (0) & -- \\
477.77 & --    & 7-Be (EC) & 10.52\% & 1457 (1501) & -- \\
500.01 & --    & 70-Gen (n,G) & 24.10\% & 93 (0) & -- \\
510.99 & 511.02 & Ann.  & N/A   & 116190 (262) & 18607 \\
--    & 558.42 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 74.40\% & --    & 141 \\
583.45 & 583.31 & 208-Tl (B-) & 84.50\% & 82 (91) & 84 \\
595.96 & 596.31 & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 100.00\% & 272(0) & 15 \\
609.26 & --    & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 18.20\% & 275 (219) & -- \\
609.48 & 609.55 & 214-Bi (B-) & 46.10\% & 275 (219) & 287 \\
--    & 651.28 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 14.09\% & --    & 35 \\




a & b & c\\
\setrow{\bfseries}d & e & f\\
e & f& g\\
h & i & j\\
\setrow{\itshape} k & l & m\\
n & o & p



Energy & Energy & Origin & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Branching} & Av. peak  & Av. Peak \\

Measured & Measured & \&    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Ratio } & count rate in & count rate \\
TS1   & TS2   & Process & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(emission} & TS1 [1/hr]  & TS2  \\
 (keV) & (keV) &       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{probability} & Beam on  & [1/hr]  \\
      &       &       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{per decay)} & (Beam off) &  \\
140.38 & 140.31 & 75m-Ge (IT) & 39\%  & 461 (0) & 17 \\
159.70 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 15.00\% & 411 (0) & -- \\
175.77 & --    & 70-Ge (n,G) & 25.00\% & 272 (0) & -- \\
\setrow{\bfseries}186.39 & 186.59 & 235-U (A) & 57.20\% & 44 (56) & 43 \\
199.02 & 199.07 & 71-Ge (EC) & N/A   & 440 (0) & 38 \\
239.20 & 239.19 & 212-Pb (B-) & 43.30\% & 192 (197) & 186 \\
242.41 & 242.59 & 214-Pb (B-) & 7.43\% & 52 (57) & 79 \\
250.75 & --    & 39-Cl (B-) & 46.30\% & 177 (0) & -- \\
--    & 272.36 & 173-Lu (EC) & 21.20\% & --    & 48 \\
\setrow{\bfseries}278.51 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 24.00\% & 296 (0) & -- \\
\setrow{\bfseries}295.65 & 295.55 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 92 (133) & 134 \\
320.41 & --    & 51-Cr (EC) & 10.00\% & 16 (17) & -- \\
338.61 & 338.78 & 228-Ac (B-) & 11.27\% & 43 (41) & 50 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 56-Fe (n,G) & 9.50\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
440.09 & --    & 23-Mg (EC) & 8.20\% & 131 (0) & -- \\
463.21 & 463.31 & 228-Ac (B-) & 4.40\% & 25 (17) & 14 \\
\setrow{\bfseries}472.27 & --    & 23-Na (n,G) & 90.39\% & 81 (0) & -- \\
477.77 & --    & 7-Be (EC) & 10.52\% & 1457 (1501) & -- \\
500.01 & --    & 70-Gen (n,G) & 24.10\% & 93 (0) & -- \\
510.99 & 511.02 & Ann.  & N/A   & 116190 (262) & 18607 \\
--    & 558.42 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 74.40\% & --    & 141 \\
\setrow{\bfseries}583.45 & 583.31 & 208-Tl (B-) & 84.50\% & 82 (91) & 84 \\
595.96 & 596.31 & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 100.00\% & 272(0) & 15 \\
\setrow{\bfseries}609.26 & --    & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 18.20\% & 275 (219) & -- \\
609.48 & 609.55 & 214-Bi (B-) & 46.10\% & 275 (219) & 287 \\
--    & 651.28 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 14.09\% & --    & 35 \\



您在问题中链接的问题的第一个答案(https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/4816/36296) 似乎工作正常。如果只有第一个条目是彩色的,您是否记得将对齐选项调整为$c^c^c^r^c^c





    \caption{List of the gamma rays from TS1 and TS2 in the energy region from 140 keV to 655 keV}
            Energy & Energy & Origin & \multicolumn{1}{^c}{Branching} & Av. peak  & Av. Peak \\

            \rowstyle{\bfseries}Measured & Measured & \&    & \multicolumn{1}{^c}{Ratio } & count rate in & count rate \\
            \rowstyle{\bfseries}TS1   & TS2   & Process & \multicolumn{1}{^c}{(emission} & TS1 [1/hr]  & TS2  \\
            \rowstyle{\bfseries}(keV) & (keV) &       & \multicolumn{1}{^c}{probability} & Beam on  & [1/hr]  \\
            \rowstyle{\bfseries}&       &       & \multicolumn{1}{^c}{per decay)} & (Beam off) &  \\
            140.38 & 140.31 & 75m-Ge (IT) & 39\%  & 461 (0) & 17 \\
            159.70 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 15.00\% & 411 (0) & -- \\
            175.77 & --    & 70-Ge (n,G) & 25.00\% & 272 (0) & -- \\
            186.39 & 186.59 & 235-U (A) & 57.20\% & 44 (56) & 43 \\
            199.02 & 199.07 & 71-Ge (EC) & N/A   & 440 (0) & 38 \\
            239.20 & 239.19 & 212-Pb (B-) & 43.30\% & 192 (197) & 186 \\
            242.41 & 242.59 & 214-Pb (B-) & 7.43\% & 52 (57) & 79 \\
            \rowstyle{\bfseries}250.75 & --    & 39-Cl (B-) & 46.30\% & 177 (0) & -- \\
            --    & 272.36 & 173-Lu (EC) & 21.20\% & --    & 48 \\
            278.51 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 24.00\% & 296 (0) & -- \\
            295.65 & 295.55 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 92 (133) & 134 \\
            320.41 & --    & 51-Cr (EC) & 10.00\% & 16 (17) & -- \\
            338.61 & 338.78 & 228-Ac (B-) & 11.27\% & 43 (41) & 50 \\
            352.28 & 352.22 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
            352.28 & 352.22 & 56-Fe (n,G) & 9.50\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
            440.09 & --    & 23-Mg (EC) & 8.20\% & 131 (0) & -- \\
            463.21 & 463.31 & 228-Ac (B-) & 4.40\% & 25 (17) & 14 \\
            472.27 & --    & 23-Na (n,G) & 90.39\% & 81 (0) & -- \\
            477.77 & --    & 7-Be (EC) & 10.52\% & 1457 (1501) & -- \\
            500.01 & --    & 70-Gen (n,G) & 24.10\% & 93 (0) & -- \\
            510.99 & 511.02 & Ann.  & N/A   & 116190 (262) & 18607 \\
            --    & 558.42 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 74.40\% & --    & 141 \\
            583.45 & 583.31 & 208-Tl (B-) & 84.50\% & 82 (91) & 84 \\
            595.96 & 596.31 & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 100.00\% & 272(0) & 15 \\
            609.26 & --    & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 18.20\% & 275 (219) & -- \\
            609.48 & 609.55 & 214-Bi (B-) & 46.10\% & 275 (219) & 287 \\
            --    & 651.28 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 14.09\% & --    & 35 \\






Energy & Energy & Origin & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Branching} & Av. peak  & Av. Peak \\

Measured & Measured & \&    & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Ratio } & count rate in & count rate \\
TS1   & TS2   & Process & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(emission} & TS1 [1/hr]  & TS2  \\
 (keV) & (keV) &       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{probability} & Beam on  & [1/hr]  \\
      &       &       & \multicolumn{1}{c}{per decay)} & (Beam off) &  \\
140.38 & 140.31 & 75m-Ge (IT) & 39\%  & 461 (0) & 17 \\
159.70 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 15.00\% & 411 (0) & -- \\
175.77 & --    & 70-Ge (n,G) & 25.00\% & 272 (0) & -- \\
\RowStyle{\bfseries}186.39 & 186.59 & 235-U (A) & 57.20\% & 44 (56) & 43 \\
199.02 & 199.07 & 71-Ge (EC) & N/A   & 440 (0) & 38 \\
239.20 & 239.19 & 212-Pb (B-) & 43.30\% & 192 (197) & 186 \\
242.41 & 242.59 & 214-Pb (B-) & 7.43\% & 52 (57) & 79 \\
250.75 & --    & 39-Cl (B-) & 46.30\% & 177 (0) & -- \\
--    & 272.36 & 173-Lu (EC) & 21.20\% & --    & 48 \\
\RowStyle{\bfseries}278.51 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 24.00\% & 296 (0) & -- \\
\RowStyle{\bfseries}295.65 & 295.55 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 92 (133) & 134 \\
320.41 & --    & 51-Cr (EC) & 10.00\% & 16 (17) & -- \\
338.61 & 338.78 & 228-Ac (B-) & 11.27\% & 43 (41) & 50 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 56-Fe (n,G) & 9.50\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
440.09 & --    & 23-Mg (EC) & 8.20\% & 131 (0) & -- \\
463.21 & 463.31 & 228-Ac (B-) & 4.40\% & 25 (17) & 14 \\
\RowStyle{\bfseries}472.27 & --    & 23-Na (n,G) & 90.39\% & 81 (0) & -- \\
477.77 & --    & 7-Be (EC) & 10.52\% & 1457 (1501) & -- \\
500.01 & --    & 70-Gen (n,G) & 24.10\% & 93 (0) & -- \\
510.99 & 511.02 & Ann.  & N/A   & 116190 (262) & 18607 \\
--    & 558.42 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 74.40\% & --    & 141 \\
\RowStyle{\bfseries}583.45 & 583.31 & 208-Tl (B-) & 84.50\% & 82 (91) & 84 \\
595.96 & 596.31 & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 100.00\% & 272(0) & 15 \\
\RowStyle{\bfseries}609.26 & --    & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 18.20\% & 275 (219) & -- \\
609.48 & 609.55 & 214-Bi (B-) & 46.10\% & 275 (219) & 287 \\
--    & 651.28 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 14.09\% & --    & 35 \\



使用 非常容易tabularray

您可以row{<row-numbers>}={font=\bfseries}在环境参数中使用,其中<row-numbers>可以是行列表(例如 1、3、9、...、Z)或范围(例如 12-15)或两者。


如果您需要将奇数行或偶数行设置为粗体,则可以使用row{odd} = {font=\bfseries}row{even} = {font=\bfseries}(您也可以对一系列行执行此操作,就像在我的 MWE 中一样)。



\caption{List of the gamma rays from TS1 and TS2 in the energy region from 140 keV to 655 keV}\label{tab:addlabel}% label always near the caption
  row{1, 3, 9, 12-15, Z}={font=\bfseries},
{Energy\\Measured\\TS1\\(keV)} & {Energy\\Measured\\TS2\\(keV)} & {Origin\\\& \\Process}& {Branching\\Ratio\\(emission\\ probability\\per decay)} & {Av. peak\\count rate in\\TS1 [1/hr]\\Beam on\\(Beam off)} & {Av. Peak \\count rate \\ TS2  \\{} [1/hr]} \\
140.38 & 140.31 & 75m-Ge (IT) & 39\%  & 461 (0) & 17 \\
159.70 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 15.00\% & 411 (0) & -- \\
175.77 & --    & 70-Ge (n,G) & 25.00\% & 272 (0) & -- \\
\SetRow{font=\bfseries} 186.39 & 186.59 & 235-U (A) & 57.20\% & 44 (56) & 43 \\
199.02 & 199.07 & 71-Ge (EC) & N/A   & 440 (0) & 38 \\
239.20 & 239.19 & 212-Pb (B-) & 43.30\% & 192 (197) & 186 \\
242.41 & 242.59 & 214-Pb (B-) & 7.43\% & 52 (57) & 79 \\
250.75 & --    & 39-Cl (B-) & 46.30\% & 177 (0) & -- \\
--    & 272.36 & 173-Lu (EC) & 21.20\% & --    & 48 \\
278.51 & --    & 63-Cu (n,G) & 24.00\% & 296 (0) & -- \\
295.65 & 295.55 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 92 (133) & 134 \\
320.41 & --    & 51-Cr (EC) & 10.00\% & 16 (17) & -- \\
338.61 & 338.78 & 228-Ac (B-) & 11.27\% & 43 (41) & 50 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 214-Pb (B-) & 19.30\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
352.28 & 352.22 & 56-Fe (n,G) & 9.50\% & 449 (232) & 307 \\
440.09 & --    & 23-Mg (EC) & 8.20\% & 131 (0) & -- \\
463.21 & 463.31 & 228-Ac (B-) & 4.40\% & 25 (17) & 14 \\
472.27 & --    & 23-Na (n,G) & 90.39\% & 81 (0) & -- \\
477.77 & --    & 7-Be (EC) & 10.52\% & 1457 (1501) & -- \\
500.01 & --    & 70-Gen (n,G) & 24.10\% & 93 (0) & -- \\
510.99 & 511.02 & Ann.  & N/A   & 116190 (262) & 18607 \\
--    & 558.42 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 74.40\% & --    & 141 \\
583.45 & 583.31 & 208-Tl (B-) & 84.50\% & 82 (91) & 84 \\
595.96 & 596.31 & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 100.00\% & 272(0) & 15 \\
609.26 & --    & 74-Ge (n,n' G) & 18.20\% & 275 (219) & -- \\
609.48 & 609.55 & 214-Bi (B-) & 46.10\% & 275 (219) & 287 \\
--    & 651.28 & 113-Cd (n,G) & 14.09\% & --    & 35 \\

