我希望一行中单元格的内容跨越多行。我有以下 MWE:
Source & Value & Affected & Type & Effect on the \\
& & sample & & total yield \\
Statistical & 2-14\% & bkg. & bin-by-bin & - \\
Uncertainties in C(i, j) & & & &\\
Extrapolation & 2-22\% & bkg. & bin-by-bin & - \\
Uncertainties in C(i, j) & & & & \\
Integrated Luminosity & 2.6\% & signal & norm. & 2.6\%\\
Muon ID and trigger & 2\% per muon & signal & norm. & 4\% \\
efficiency & & & & \\
Track selection and & 5\% per track & signal & norm. & 10\% \\
isolation efficiency & & & & \\
MC statistical & 2-100\% & signal & bin-by-bin & 4-6\% \\
uncertainties & & & & \\
\caption{List of systematics uncertainties and their effect on estimates of the
QCD multijet background and signal.}
为了实现这一点,我必须创建一个新行,并将该行中的其他条目留空。结果,值没有居中。我尝试根据以下解决方案实现文本换行: 解决方案
由于我正在使用一些 cls 文件来撰写论文,因此它弄乱了这个解决方案。所需的文件在我的 dropbox 中: 支持文件
您可以使用 makecell
、数字范围的 endash 和空单元格的 emdash)。
\usepackage{makecell, booktabs, array}
Source \\[-1ex]sample }& \thead{Type} &\thead{ Effect on the\\[-1ex]total yield} \\
\makecell{Statistical \\[-1ex]Uncertainties in C(i, j)} & 2--14\,\% & bkg. & bin-by-bin & --- \\
\makecell{Extrapolation \\[-1ex]Uncertainties in C(i, j)} & 2--22\,\% & bkg. & bin-by-bin & --- \\
Integrated Luminosity \\
\makecell{Muon ID and trigger \\[-1ex]efficiency} & 2\,\% per muon & signal & norm. & 4\,\% \\
\makecell{Track selection and \\[-1ex]isolation efficiency }& 5\,\% per track & signal & norm. & 10\,\% \\
\makecell{MC statistical \\[-1ex]uncertainties} & 2--100\,\% & signal & bin-by-bin & 4--6\,\% \\
\caption{List of systematics uncertainties and their effect on estimates of the
QCD multijet background and signal.}
Source \\[-1ex] sample }& \thead{Type} &\thead{ Effect on the\\[-1ex]total yield} \\
\makecell{Statistical \\[-1ex]Uncertainties in C(i, j)} & 2--14\,\% & bkg. & bin-by-bin & --- \\
\makecell{Extrapolation \\[-1ex]%
Uncertainties in C(i, j)} & 2--22\,\% & bkg. & bin-by-bin & --- \\
Integrated Luminosity \\
\makecell{Muon ID and trigger \\[-1ex]efficiency} & 2\,\% per muon & signal & norm. & 4\,\% \\
\makecell{Track selection and \\[-1ex]isolation efficiency }& 5\,\% per track & signal & norm. & 10\,\% \\
\makecell{MC statistical \\[-1ex]uncertainties} & 2--100\,\% & signal & bin-by-bin & 4--6\,\% \\
\caption{List of systematics uncertainties and their effect on estimates of the
QCD multijet background and signal.}