-c 选项和 latexmk 的问题

-c 选项和 latexmk 的问题

假设我想用 编译文档 doc.texlatexmk并清除处理文件。当我这样做时latexmk -c doc.tex,它会给我以下输出:

Latexmk: This is Latexmk, John Collins, 11 Nov. 2012, version: 4.35.
**** Report bugs etc to John Collins <collins at phys.psu.edu>. ****
Latexmk: Examining log file 'doc.log' for generated files...

什么也没有,文档没有被编译。但是如果我依次执行latexmk doc.texlatexmk -c doc.tex文档将在第一步被编译,处理文件将在第二步被删除。



texdoc latexmk

Clean up (remove) all regeneratable files generated by latex and bibtex or biber except dvi,
postscript and pdf. These files are a combination of log files, aux files, latexmk’s database file of
source file information, and those with extensions specified in the @generated_exts configuration
variable. In addition, files specified by the $clean_ext configuration variable are removed.

This cleanup is instead of a regular make. See the -gg option if you want to do a cleanup then a make.

