参考书目无法编译(使用 biblatex 包)

参考书目无法编译(使用 biblatex 包)

在编辑 bib 文件时,我遇到了一个问题,该问题似乎与 biblatex 包或 biber 或它们的兼容性有关。在我对 bib 文件中某个参考书目项的某个字段(我认为是“翻译器”字段)进行一些更改之前,一切都运行正常。进行此更改后,我收到了错误消息。我撤消了更改,但问题不断出现,并且影响了我所有启用了biblatex包的 tex 文档。日志包含以下条目:

Package biblatex Warning: File 'MWE.bbl' is wrong format version - expected 2.7
LaTeX Warning: Empty bibliography on input line 36.
LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.
Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file: 
(biblatex)                MWE
(biblatex)                and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

我检查了文档中的兼容性矩阵biblatex,根据该矩阵,biber 2.5 与 兼容biblatex 3.4。这正是我所拥有的。tex 文件的 MWE:





\affil[i]{affil1 }





    title={Deduction without awareness},
    author={Reverberi, Carlo and Pischedda, Doris and Burigo, Michele},
    journal={Acta psychologica},

    title={From the neuron doctrine to neural networks},
    author={Лисанюк, Елена Николаевна and Грфцова, Ирина Николаевна and Мигунов, Анатолий Иванович},
    journal={Журнал по аргументации},



*File List*
 article.cls    2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
  size12.clo    2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
    cmap.sty    2008/03/06 v1.0h CMap support: searchable PDF
mathtext.sty    1999/01/28 v1.0 transparent text-and-math defs
  t2aenc.def    2005/09/27 v1.0i Cyrillic encoding definition file
  t2acmr.fd    2001/08/11 v1.0a Computer Modern Cyrillic font definitions
inputenc.sty    2015/03/17 v1.2c Input encoding file
    utf8.def    2016/02/28 v1.1s UTF-8 support for inputenc
   t1enc.dfu    2016/02/28 v1.1s UTF-8 support for inputenc
  ot1enc.dfu    2016/02/28 v1.1s UTF-8 support for inputenc
  omsenc.dfu    2016/02/28 v1.1s UTF-8 support for inputenc
  t2aenc.dfu    2016/02/28 v1.1s UTF-8 support for inputenc
   babel.sty    2016/04/23 3.9r The Babel package
 english.ldf    2012/08/20 v3.3p English support from the babel system
russianb.ldf    2016/02/18 1.3h Russian support for the Babel system
indentfirst.sty    1995/11/23 v1.03 Indent first paragraph (DPC)
letltxmacro.sty    2016/05/16 v1.5 Let assignment for LaTeX macros (HO)
 authblk.sty    2001/02/27 1.3 (PWD)
hyperref.sty    2016/05/05 v6.83n Hypertext links for LaTeX
hobsub-hyperref.sty    2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset hyperref (HO)
hobsub-generic.sty    2016/05/16 v1.14 Bundle oberdiek, subset generic (HO)
  hobsub.sty    2016/05/16 v1.14 Construct package bundles (HO)
infwarerr.sty    2016/05/16 v1.4 Providing info/warning/error messages (HO)
 ltxcmds.sty    2016/05/16 v1.23 LaTeX kernel commands for general use (HO)
ifluatex.sty    2016/05/16 v1.4 Provides the ifluatex switch (HO)
  ifvtex.sty    2016/05/16 v1.6 Detect VTeX and its facilities (HO)
 intcalc.sty    2016/05/16 v1.2 Expandable calculations with integers (HO)
   ifpdf.sty    2016/05/14 v3.1 Provides the ifpdf switch
etexcmds.sty    2016/05/16 v1.6 Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands (HO)
kvsetkeys.sty    2016/05/16 v1.17 Key value parser (HO)
kvdefinekeys.sty    2016/05/16 v1.4 Define keys (HO)
pdftexcmds.sty    2016/05/10 v0.21 Utility functions of pdfTeX for LuaTeX (HO)
pdfescape.sty    2016/05/16 v1.14 Implements pdfTeX's escape features (HO)
bigintcalc.sty    2016/05/16 v1.4 Expandable calculations on big integers (HO)
  bitset.sty    2016/05/16 v1.2 Handle bit-vector datatype (HO)
uniquecounter.sty    2016/05/16 v1.3 Provide unlimited unique counter (HO)
 hopatch.sty    2016/05/16 v1.3 Wrapper for package hooks (HO)
xcolor-patch.sty    2016/05/16 xcolor patch
atveryend.sty    2016/05/16 v1.9 Hooks at the very end of document (HO)
atbegshi.sty    2016/05/16 v1.17 At begin shipout hook (HO)
refcount.sty    2016/05/16 v3.5 Data extraction from label references (HO)
 hycolor.sty    2016/05/16 v1.8 Color options for hyperref/bookmark (HO)
  keyval.sty    2014/10/28 v1.15 key=value parser (DPC)
 ifxetex.sty    2010/09/12 v0.6 Provides ifxetex conditional
 auxhook.sty    2016/05/16 v1.4 Hooks for auxiliary files (HO)
kvoptions.sty    2016/05/16 v3.12 Key value format for package options (HO)
  pd1enc.def    2016/05/05 v6.83n Hyperref: PDFDocEncoding definition (HO)
   puenc.def    2016/05/05 v6.83n Hyperref: PDF Unicode definition (HO)
hyperref.cfg    2002/06/06 v1.2 hyperref configuration of TeXLive
     url.sty    2013/09/16  ver 3.4  Verb mode for urls, etc.
 hpdftex.def    2016/05/05 v6.83n Hyperref driver for pdfTeX
rerunfilecheck.sty    2016/05/16 v1.8 Rerun checks for auxiliary files (HO)
  xparse.sty    2016/05/18 v6512 L3 Experimental document command parser
   expl3.sty    2016/05/18 v6512 L3 programming layer (loader) 
expl3-code.tex    2016/05/18 v6512 L3 programming layer 
l3pdfmode.def    2016/03/26 v6465 L3 Experimental driver: PDF mode
  lipsum.sty    2014/07/27 v1.3 150 paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum dummy text
biblatex.sty    2016/05/14 v3.4 programmable bibliographies (PK/JW/AB)
   iftex.sty    2013/04/04 v0.2 Provides if(tex) conditional for PDFTeX, XeTeX,
 and LuaTeX
etoolbox.sty    2015/08/02 v2.2a e-TeX tools for LaTeX (JAW)
  logreq.sty    2010/08/04 v1.0 xml request logger
  logreq.def    2010/08/04 v1.0 logreq spec v1.0
  ifthen.sty    2014/09/29 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
 xstring.sty    2013/10/13  v1.7c  String manipulations (C Tellechea)
blx-compat.def    2016/05/14 v3.4 biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
biblatex.def    2016/05/14 v3.4 biblatex compatibility (PK/JW/AB)
biblatex-gost.def    2016/04/05 v1.6 biblatex-gost styles
gost-standard.bbx    2016/04/05 v1.6 biblatex-gost styles
gost-authoryear.bbx    2016/04/05 v1.6 biblatex-gost styles
gost-authoryear.cbx    2016/04/05 v1.6 biblatex-gost styles
csquotes.sty    2016/01/31 v5.1g context-sensitive quotations (JAW)
csquotes.def    2016/01/31 v5.1g csquotes generic definitions (JAW)
 russian.lbx    2016/05/14 v3.4 biblatex localization (PK/JW/AB)
russian-gost.lbx    2016/04/05 v1.6 biblatex-gost styles
 english.lbx    2016/05/14 v3.4 biblatex localization (PK/JW/AB)
 nameref.sty    2012/10/27 v2.43 Cross-referencing by name of section
gettitlestring.sty    2016/05/16 v1.5 Cleanup title references (HO)


[0] Config.pm:340> INFO - This is Biber 2.4
[0] Config.pm:343> INFO - Logfile is 'document-ENG.blg'
[38] biber-MSWIN64:287> INFO - === 
[59] Biber.pm:347> INFO - Reading 'document-ENG.bcf'
[154] Biber.pm:738> INFO - Using all citekeys in bib section 0
[194] Biber.pm:3150> INFO - Processing section 0
[276] Biber.pm:3307> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'Harvard.bib' for section 0
[278] bibtex.pm:1124> INFO - Decoding LaTeX character macros into UTF-8
[279] bibtex.pm:985> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'Harvard.bib'
[361] UCollate.pm:65> INFO - Overriding locale 'ru-RU' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized'
[361] UCollate.pm:65> INFO - Overriding locale 'ru-RU' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable'
[361] Biber.pm:3027> INFO - Sorting list 'nyt/global' of type 'entry' with scheme 'nyt' and locale 'ru-RU'
[366] bbl.pm:519> INFO - Writing 'document-ENG.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8'
[367] bbl.pm:615> INFO - Output to document-ENG.bbl


问题似乎已经解决了。很难检测出什么地方出了问题以及什么时候出了问题,但显然在 Biber 和biblatex发生冲突后(尽管它最初为什么会发生仍然是个谜),将 Biber 版本从 2.4 更新到 2.5 并没有帮助,因为我的 Avast 防病毒软件阻止了 biber.exe 文件。
