





-- 第二级为罗马数字




b)、c)、d) ... 为第四级,



我在以下几乎最小的示例中实现了这一点。我想使用缩写的引用。如果您正在阅读“B.«”部分,并且有对“B.II.«”小节的引用,则打印“II.«”就足够了。但是如果您正在阅读 A. 部分,则需要“B.II.«”。如果您从 B.II.3.a)cc) 引用 B.II.3.a)bb) 中的某些内容,则输出\ref显然不应为 B.II.3.a)bb),而应为 bb)。如果您在 B.II.4. 中,则引用必须为 3.a)bb)。

但是如果您从 CI1 中的某个地方引用,则需要完整引用 B.II.3.a)bb)。

特殊要求:解决方案也应该与 varioref 包相符。

jura documentclass 提供了这种引用。但我出于很多原因依赖 KOMA-script。因此我尝试从 jura.dtx 中获取代码并进行改编,但我收到了一条我无法理解的错误消息,如下所示。


编辑 Ulrike 的回答:


\usepackage{babel, blindtext}

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} % fünf Ebenen







   \zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0} = \the\c@section
   %ref is from current section
    {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}  = 0 }
    {\int_to_Roman:n{\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}.}
  %ref is from other section
  \int_to_Alph:n  {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0}}.
  \int_to_Roman:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}





I'm refering to the second section and I'd like to have a full
reference like this: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}.


\myref{sec:secondofsecond}, \myref{sec:first}, \myref{sec:second} And lets test the
new references, see \myref{CLA:first-paragraph} or \myref{CLA:first-second.second}




Now down the tree:

\subsubsection{first of second.second}

Just some letters. 


And more text. 


这是我早期的 MWE,现在有点过时了:

\documentclass[english, parskip=half, numbers=noendperiod]{scrartcl}
\usepackage{babel, blindtext}

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} % five levels





I'm refering to the second section and I'd like to have a full
reference like this: \ref{sec:secondofsecond}. 





But now I'm refering to »Firstofsecond« and my readers do not need the
full reference (\ref{sec:firstofsecond}), simply »I.« would be sufficient.

From here a reference to »first of second / second« should look like
this: »1.« and not \ref{sec:first-second-second}

\subsubsection{First of second / second}



好的,现在来谈谈回收已弃用的 jura.dtx 代码的想法

根据 jknappen 的建议,我尝试使用 jura.dtx 的代码来实现我想要的行为。我将代码更改为:

%\documentclass[english, parskip=half, numbers=noendperiod]{scrartcl}
\usepackage{babel, blindtext}

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} % fünf Ebenen


%% Code stolen from jura.dtx

{\csname c@lvl\@alph{#1}\endcsname}}


\PackageWarning{alphanum}{only one subitem in level "\J@Number" ending}%

\expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax
 \nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}
 \@latex@warning{Reference '#1' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
 \expandafter\J@refX\csname r@#1\endcsname
\ifcat_\ifnum9<1#1_\else X\fi
  \ifnum#1=12\PackageError{alphanum}{Self-reference detected!}{You used
    a \protect\ref\space in the same section as the referenced
    \protect\label\MessageBreak That makes no sense!}\fi




I'm refering to the second section and I'd like to have a full
reference like this: \ref{sec:secondofsecond}. 





But now I'm refering to »Firstofsecond« and my readers do not need the
full reference (\ref{sec:firstofsecond}), simply »I.« would be sufficient.

From here a reference to »first of second / second« should look like
this: »1.« and not \ref{sec:first-second-second}

\subsubsection{First of second / second}




./kurze-verweise-mwe.tex:134: Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again> 
l.134 ...ence like this: \ref{sec:secondofsecond}.

./kurze-verweise-mwe.tex:134: Missing = inserted for \ifnum.
<to be read again> 




理论上这并不难。您可以使用 zref 存储标签的各个部分、子部分等的各种值,然后只需测试它们的值并与当前值进行比较,然后决定应该发生什么。


\usepackage{babel, blindtext}

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} % fünf Ebenen







   \zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0} = \the\c@section
   %ref is from current section
    {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}  = 0 }
    {\int_to_Roman:n{\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}.}
  %ref is from other section
  \int_to_Alph:n  {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0}}.
  \int_to_Roman:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}





I'm refering to the second section and I'd like to have a full
reference like this: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}.


\myref{sec:secondofsecond}, \myref{sec:first}, \myref{sec:second}







您是否知道汝拉包装? 虽然它相当古老且缺乏支持,但它提供了您勾勒出的精细等级结构(甚至进一步深入到 α) β) 和 αα) ββ) 所指示的等级

编辑:请注意,使用 引入的文档标记jura(或\usepackage{alphanum}包含级别结构的 )与通常的 LaTeX 分段命令(如\section等)不兼容。您应使用、和 的jura分段样式。\toc\sub\levelup




但如果没有 Ulrikes 的慷慨帮助,这一切都不可能实现,非常感谢!

有些注释是德语的,抱歉,现在已经很晚了,我怀疑明天我是否能理解我今天写的内容!啊,注释中各种无用的“(”是为了让 Emacs 高兴,否则它就无法匹配“{”和“}”。

\usepackage{babel, blindtext}

\setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} % fünf Ebenen


\usepackage{zref-user, zref-counter}





  {% A.-Ebene prüfen: sind wir auf dem gleichen Zweig? 
   \zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0} = \the\c@section
  { % Ja, wir sind auf dem gleichen Zweig
    % Existiert eine weitere Ebene?
    {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}  = 0}
    % Wenn subsection 0 ist, also nicht existiert, dann muss section ausgegeben
    % werden. 
     % \emph{Fehlerhafter Verweis}
    \int_to_Alph:n  {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0}}.
    % Wenn dagegen subsection existiert, dann geht die Prüfung weiter:
     % OK, weitere ebene existiert. 
     \int_compare:nTF % I.-Ebene
        \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}  = \the\c@subsection 
      }% Sind wir auf der gleichen I.-Ebene?
      {% I.-Ebene: Gleiche Ebene
        % Prüfung: gibt es eine weitere Ebene?
        {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0} = 0}
        {% Wenn 0, dann keine weitere Ebene und subsection ausgeben:
          \int_to_Roman:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}.
        {% OK, weitere Ebene existiert
              \int_compare:nTF % subsubsection-Ebene
                {% 1.-Ebene prüfen
                  \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0} = \the\c@subsubsection  
                {% 1.-Ebene ist gleich
                  %Prüfung: gibt es eine weitere Ebene?
                  \int_compare:nTF % Gibt es eine a-Ebene?
                  {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0} =  0}
                  {% Wenn 0, dann keine weitere Ebene und subsubsection ausgeben:
                    \int_to_arabic:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0}}.
                  {% Paragraph existiert:
                   \int_compare:nTF % a-Ebene prüfen
                      \zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0} =  \the\c@paragraph
                    {% a-Ebene ist gleich
                      % Prüfung: aa-Ebene vorhanden?
                      \int_compare:nTF % 
                      { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0} =  0}
                      {%( damit emacs happy ist
                        \int_to_alph:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0} })
                      {% aa-Ebene vorhanden
                        {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0} = \the\c@subparagraph}
                        {\emph{Fehlerhafter VERWEIS}}
                        %( make emacs happy
                        {\int_to_alph:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph}   {0}   }
                        \int_to_alph:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0}   })
                    {% a-Ebene ist unterschiedlich (
                      \int_to_alph:n{\zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0}})
                {% 1.-Ebene ist unterschiedlich 
                  \int_to_arabic:n{\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0}}.
         }% 3. Klammer Prüfung, ob subsection existiert (also wenn ja)
     {% I.-Ebene: ungleich
       % Also römische Nummer ausgeben
         \int_to_Roman:n{\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}.%
          \int_compare:nTF%existiert die nächste Ebene?
           { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0} = 0 }
           {}% = 0, subsubsection nicht vorhanden
           {% ungleich 0
            % also arabische Zahl ausgeben
             \int_to_arabic:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0}}.
               \int_compare:nTF%existiert die nächste Ebene paragraph?
               { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0} = 0 }
               {}% = 0, subsubsection nicht vorhanden
               {% ungleich 0 (
                 \int_to_alph:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0}})
               % subpar Ebene vorhanden?
               { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0} = 0}
               {}% ja, also existiert subpar nicht 
               { %(
                 \int_to_alph:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0}}
                 \int_to_alph:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0}})
       }% 3. Klammer I.-Ebene
  }% 3. Klammer Prüfung, ob I. Ebene besteht.
  }% 2. Klammer A.-Ebene
  {% A.-Ebene: Ungleich
  %ref is from other section
  \int_to_Alph:n  {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {section} {0}}.
    \int_compare:nTF%existiert die nächste Ebene?
    { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0} = 0 }
    {}% ja, erfüllt, keine subsection
    {% subsection existiert:
      \int_to_Roman:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsection} {0}}.
      \int_compare:nTF%existiert die nächste Ebene?
          { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0} = 0 }
          {}% = 0, subsubsection nicht vorhanden
          {% ungleich 0
            \int_to_arabic:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subsubsection} {0} }.
             \int_compare:nTF%existiert die nächste Ebene paragraph?
              { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0} = 0 }
              {}% = 0, paragraph nicht vorhanden
              {% ungleich 0 (
                \int_to_alph:n { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {paragraph} {0} })
                { \zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0} = 0}
                {}% ja, also existiert subpar nicht
                {% (
                  \int_to_alph:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0}}
                  \int_to_alph:n {\zref@extractdefault {#1} {subparagraph} {0}})
  }% 3. Klammer A.-Ebene
}% hyperref Klammer zu
}%Ende Befehlsdefinition myref






  \item Reference to first section: \myref{sec:first}
  \item Reference to second section: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to snd section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to snd sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to snd sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to snd sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:
  \item Subparagraph: \myref{CLA:first-sub}


  \item Reference to this section should display a warning: \myref{sec:first}.
  \item Reference to next section: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to next section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to next sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to next sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to next sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:
  \item Subparagraph: \myref{CLA:first-sub}


  \item Reference to previous section: \myref{sec:first}.
  \item Reference to this section should display a warning: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to this section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:
  \item Subparagraph: \myref{CLA:first-sub}


  \item Reference to previous section: \myref{sec:first}.
  \item Reference to this section: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to this section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:
  \item Subparagraph: \myref{CLA:first-sub}


Now down the tree:

\subsubsection{first of second.second}

Just some letters. 


And more text. Ref to next paragraph, should be a b): \myref{CLA:second-paragr}

  \item Reference to previous section: \myref{sec:first}.
  \item Reference to this section: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to this section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:
  \item Subparagraph: \myref{CLA:first-sub}

\paragraph{second paragr}

  \item Reference to previous section: \myref{sec:first}.
  \item Reference to this section: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to this section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:

\subparagraph{first sub}

  \item Reference to previous section: \myref{sec:first}.
  \item Reference to this section: \myref{sec:second}
  \item Reference to this section / first subsection: \myref{sec:firstofsecond}
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect: \myref{sec:secondofsecond}
  \item Ref to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic:
  \item Ref. to this sect. / second subsect / first arabic / second par:
  \item Subparagraph: \myref{CLA:first-sub}


\subsubsection{Last one}


\paragraph{paragraph somewhere}

OK, the par above should display a). And now we refer to the next subpar:

And now a subpar:

\subparagraph{second subpar}


\subparagraph{third subpar}

