



% The command:
  % first step, search for the instance of `FN...` in arg #1
    \StrCut{#1}{FN}\partA\partB% take unique name starting after "FN"
    \StrCut{\partB}{ }\partC\partD% stop at the first space
  % generate a new key using that unique name:
    \define@key{mykeys}{fn-\partC-text}{\expandafter\def\csname fn\partC text\endcsname{#1}}
  % set the key using arg #2
  % create a command using the new name, which employs our new key (which is just a footnote command)
    \expandafter\def\csname FN\partC\endcsname{\expandarg\footnote{\expandafter\csname fn\partC text\endcsname}}
  % combine `FN` and `\partC` in order to use the so-named command we just made
  % replace the old `FN...` with the new command
      {\csname FN\partC\endcsname}
  % spit out the message

% use case:
    {This is myFNspecial new message.}% will turn into `This is my^[1] new message`
    {fn-special-text={This is the special footnote}}

问题是,当调用宏时,keyval 立即看到未定义的键并出错。有什么方法可以告诉 keyval(或 xkeyval?)忽略未定义的键?消息和尚未定义键需要在同一个命令中的参数中进行。






\let\KV@errx@ORI\KV@errx   % Save original error handling

\let\KV@errx\@gobble       % Ignore unknown keys

\renewcommand\KV@errx[1]{% Ignore unknown keys, but print a warning

\let\KV@errx\KV@errx@ORI   % Restore original error handling

