\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 1.2cm, thick,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font = \Large\sffamily, black,
top color = green!90!white, bottom color = green!60!white,drop shadow,
text width = 8.4cm, align = center, minimum height = 2.3cm}]
\node[label={[fill=white, circle, yshift=2cm, font= \Large\sffamily, scale=0.4] right:22}] (SWGDAM) {\textbf{SWGDAM}\\Probabilistic Genotyping};
\coordinate [below = 2.5cm of SWGDAM] (Mitte);
\coordinate [below = 4.8cm of SWGDAM] (Unten);
\node (EDV) [right = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=2cm] {4.1};
\node (Verwaltung) [left = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=-2cm] {4.2};
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of EDV] (zoode);
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of Verwaltung] (dire);
\node (Bau) [below = of Verwaltung] {421};
\node (Logistik) [below = of Bau] {4211};
\node (4212) [below = of Logistik] {4212};
\node (4213) [below = of 4212] {4213};
\node (Pflege) [below = of EDV] {411};
\node (Ausbildung) [right = of Pflege] {412};
\node (413) [right = of Ausbildung] {413};
\node (4121) [below = of Ausbildung] {4121};
\draw[line width=0.1cm, green!60!black]
(SWGDAM) -- (Mitte) -- (Verwaltung)
% (EDV) -- (Mitte) -- (Unten) -| (Logistik)
(EDV) -- (Mitte)
% (Unten) -| (Bau)
% (Unten) -| (Pflege)
% (Unten) -| (Ausbildung);
(EDV) -- (zoode)
(zoode) -| (Pflege)
(zoode) -| (Ausbildung);
\usepackage{amsfonts, amsmath, amsthm, amssymb}
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance = 1.2cm, thick,
every node/.style = {rectangle, font = \Large\sffamily, black,
top color = green!90!white, bottom color = green!60!white,drop shadow,
text width = 8.4cm, align = center, minimum height = 2.3cm}]
\node[label={[fill=white, top color=white, bottom color=white, circle, yshift=2cm, text width=2cm, minimum height=0cm] right:{\Large\sffamily22}}] (SWGDAM) {\textbf{SWGDAM}\\Probabilistic Genotyping};
\coordinate [below = 2.5cm of SWGDAM] (Mitte);
\coordinate [below = 4.8cm of SWGDAM] (Unten);
\node (EDV) [right = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=2cm] {4.1};
\node (Verwaltung) [left = 10mm of Mitte, xshift=-2cm] {4.2};
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of EDV] (zoode);
\coordinate [below = 0.5cm of Verwaltung] (dire);
\node (Bau) [below = of Verwaltung] {421};
\node (Logistik) [below = of Bau] {4211};
\node (4212) [below = of Logistik] {4212};
\node (4213) [below = of 4212] {4213};
\node (Pflege) [below = of EDV] {411};
\node (Ausbildung) [right = of Pflege] {412};
\node (413) [right = of Ausbildung] {413};
\node (4121) [below = of Ausbildung] {4121};
\draw[line width=0.1cm, green!60!black]
(SWGDAM) -- (Mitte) -- (Verwaltung)
% (EDV) -- (Mitte) -- (Unten) -| (Logistik)
(EDV) -- (Mitte)
% (Unten) -| (Bau)
% (Unten) -| (Pflege)
% (Unten) -| (Ausbildung);
(EDV) -- (zoode)
(zoode) -| (Pflege)
(zoode) -| (Ausbildung);