

以下代码为我提供了书签的格式,有没有办法将其显示为“正常”?没有 1ex[b] 分别到.44em(见图片)


\usepackage{titletoc} % modify toc title
\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text
\usepackage{anyfontsize} % change fontsize
\usepackage{tocloft} % design toc
\usepackage{framed, xcolor}
\usepackage[colorlinks=false, pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

%%% Change the title of toc

% section itshape

% Spacing between section and text
% Syntax: \titlespacing*{<command>}{<left>}{<before-sep>}{<after-sep>}


% Spacing between chapter and author

% Spacing between chapterAndAuthor and section (?)

%%% Chapter style
  {\normalfont}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{12pt}{\Large}

% Display chapters in the Table of Contents
  [0pt]% Left margin, optional
  {}% Code insertet above
  {\mdseries}% Numbered-entryformat
  {\mdseries}% Numberless-format
  {\contentspage\vskip1.5ex} % add dotfill and pagenumber, and some vertical space between entries

% Custom command to keep the author on the same page of chaptertitle, and above it.
\newcommand{\chapterAndAuthor} [2]{
 % #1: Author
 % #2: Chaptertitle
    % Minipage to keep the author and chaptertitle on same page
        % Set the author style
        {\selectfont\fontsize{12}{14} \itshape{#1}}
        % Bring the chaptertitle closer to the authortitle
        % Add an entry to the Table of Contents, with the name of the author in emph and the chapter title
        \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{{\normalfont\itshape #1}\vspace{1ex}\newline
        % For long chapter titles using a \parbox
        \hspace*{1em}\protect\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{#2 \dotfill}}
        % Print the chapter

% space between table of contents






\chapterAndAuthor{The name of the first author, The name of second author and The name of the third author}{Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One}

\subsection*{Subheading2 }


\chapterAndAuthor{The name of the second author}{Test Chapter Two}





您需要一个\texorpdfstring{tex content}{pdf content}开关,即, 允许的内容TeX必须被pdf和过滤bookmarks。请参阅\chapterandAuthor命令。


\usepackage{titletoc} % modify toc title
\usepackage{lipsum} % dummy text
\usepackage{anyfontsize} % change fontsize
\usepackage{tocloft} % design toc
\usepackage{framed, xcolor}
\usepackage[colorlinks=false, pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

%%% Change the title of toc

% section itshape

% Spacing between section and text
% Syntax: \titlespacing*{<command>}{<left>}{<before-sep>}{<after-sep>}


% Spacing between chapter and author

% Spacing between chapterAndAuthor and section (?)

%%% Chapter style
  {\normalfont}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{12pt}{\Large}

% Display chapters in the Table of Contents
  [0pt]% Left margin, optional
  {}% Code insertet above
  {\mdseries}% Numbered-entryformat
  {\mdseries}% Numberless-format
  {\contentspage\vskip1.5ex} % add dotfill and pagenumber, and some vertical space between entries

% Custom command to keep the author on the same page of chaptertitle, and above it.
 % #1: Author
 % #2: Chaptertitle
    % Minipage to keep the author and chaptertitle on same page
  % Set the author style
  {\selectfont\fontsize{12}{14} \itshape{#1}}
  % Bring the chaptertitle closer to the authortitle
  % Add an entry to the Table of Contents, with the name of the author in emph and the chapter title
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\texorpdfstring{\normalfont\itshape #1\vspace{1ex}\newline
    % For long chapter titles using a \parbox
    \hspace*{1em}\protect\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{#2 \dotfill}}{#2}}
  % Print the chapter

% space between table of contents






\chapterAndAuthor{The name of the first author, The name of second author and The name of the third author}{Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One Test Chapter One}

\subsection*{Subheading2 }


\chapterAndAuthor{The name of the second author}{Test Chapter Two}

