






\title{{\LARGE \bfseries The title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title \thanks{adc}}}
\author{First Author\thanks{\textit{Corresponding author.} Address: School of Whatsoever, University of No Place, The new but old Building, 10 Wherever Road, X11 11X, London, UK. Phone: +44 (0)123456789. Email: [email protected]. } \\
University of No Place \and Second Author \thanks{Address: School of Another topic, University of Another Place, The new but old Building, 10 Wherever Road, X11 11X, London, UK}\\
University of Another Place \and Third Author \thanks{Address: School of Another topic, University of Another Place, The new but old Building, 10 Wherever Road, X11 11X, London, UK}\\
University of Another Place}
First version: First version 01 June 2016 \\ This version: 20/06/2016
\noindent \lipsum[3-4] \bigskip

Keywords: First keyword, second keyword, third keyword

JEL Classification: XXX, XXX




a) 是否可以只更改首页的设置,使其只出现在一页中?请注意,我想更改首页的设置,但我对论文中其他页面的设置很感兴趣,在这种情况下,我想保持代码中指示的设置长度;

b) 如您所见,三位作者都隶属于同一个机构(University of Another Place)。在脚注中,我不想重复这三个人的地址,但我想使用相同的符号将他们连接到同一个地址(当然,第一位作者会有两个地址,一个是 University of No Place,另一个是其他两位作者共用的地址)。



这是我使用 runartrollet comment 所做的另一个答案. 我已经使用过geometry包和authblk

这是针对点 a),仅限边距为零的奇数页和具有自定义边距的第一页。

这是针对第 b 点),一位作者与其他作者共享地址和隶属关系。


\documentclass[12pt,twoside]{article} %use twoside so geometry knows left/right pages

\usepackage[top=0cm,bottom=0cm,lmargin=0cm]{geometry} % only odd pages get margin zero


\newgeometry{margin=2cm,top=2cm,bottom=2cm} %new settings for first page only
\title{{\LARGE \bfseries The title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title \thanks{adc}}}
\author[1,2]{First Author }
\author[2]{Second Author }
\author[2]{Third Author }
\affil[1]{University of No Place \thanks{Adress of No Place}}
\affil[2]{University of Another Place \thanks{Adress of Another Place}}
First version: First version 01 June 2016 \\ This version: 20/06/2016
\noindent \lipsum[3-4] \bigskip

Keywords: First keyword, second keyword, third keyword

JEL Classification: XXX, XXX


\restoregeometry % goes back to original geoemtry settings






\usepackage[left=2cm, right=2cm, top=2cm,bottom=2cm]{geometry}


\title{{\LARGE \bfseries The title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title the title \thanks{adc}}}
\author{First Author\thanks{\textit{Corresponding author.} Address: School of Whatsoever, University of No Place, The new but old Building, 10 Wherever Road, X11 11X, London, UK. Phone: +44 (0)123456789. Email: [email protected]. } {\footnotemark[3]} \\ %include the space
University of No Place \\ University of Another Place \and Second Author \thanks{Address: School of Another topic, University of Another Place, The new but old Building, 10 Wherever Road, X11 11X, London, UK}\\ % This is the third footnote including the one in the title.
University of Another Place \and Third Author \footnotemark[3]\\
University of Another Place}
First version: First version 01 June 2016 \\ This version: 20/06/2016
\noindent \lipsum[3-4] \bigskip

Keywords: First keyword, second keyword, third keyword

JEL Classification: XXX, XXX




