使用 apacite 包进行 APA 格式引用

使用 apacite 包进行 APA 格式引用

我尝试使用 apacite 来引用 APA,但失败了。这是我的最小试用示例。

\title{Brief Article}
\author{The Author}

stuff \cite{anderson2012}




    title = {Alcohol in the European Union : WHO Regional Office Europe},
    author = {P. Anderson and L. M{\o}ller, G. Galea},
    url  = {http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/160680/e96457.pdf},
    year = {2012}


LaTeX Warning: Citation `anderson2012' undefined on input line 17.

No file text.bbl.
[1] (./text.aux)

LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references.

Output written on text.pdf (1 page).
SyncTeX written on text.synctex.gz.
Transcript written on text.log

以及以下文件 在此处输入图片描述

我正在使用Texshop并将排版更改为 bibtex 我收到以下消息

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2015)
The top-level auxiliary file: text.aux
The style file: apacite.bst
Database file #1: reference.bib
apacite.bst [2013/07/21 v6.03 APA bibliography style]

然后回到 Latex,



问题在于您的url字段包含下划线,这是一个数学模式字符。因此,要解决这个问题,您需要告诉apacite它正确处理 URL。为此,请添加加载url包:


我还对您的bib条目做了一些更正。作者姓名应以逗号分隔and。需要保留大写字母的内容需要括在 中{}。请参阅:

% !BIB TS-program = bibtex

% This next bit is just a way to make a self-contained document containing
% a bib file. It will create a file with your-tex-file-name.bib based on the
% name of your .tex file. In your case you would just use your regular
% .bib file (edited to match the corrections made here)
    title = {Alcohol in the {European Union}: {WHO} Regional Office {Europe}},
    author = {P. Anderson and L. M{\o}ller and G. Galea},
    url  = {http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/160680/e96457.pdf},
    year = {2012}
% self-contained stuff ends here 
\title{Brief Article}
\author{The Author}

stuff \cite{anderson2012}




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