该代码取自 Zarko 的回答:流程图 + Tikz
node distance=15mm and 10mm,
start chain=going below,
mynode/.style = {
draw, rectangle, align=center, text width=5cm,
font=\small, inner sep=3ex, outer sep=0pt,
on chain},
mylabel/.style = {
draw, rectangle, align=center, rounded corners,
font=\small\bfseries, inner sep=2ex, outer sep=0pt,
fill=cyan!30, minimum height=38mm,
on chain},
every join/.style = arrow,
arrow/.style = {very thick,-stealth}
\coordinate (tc);
% the title
\node[above=of tc,font=\bfseries] {\begin{itemize} \item test \end{itemize}};
% the nodes at the top
\node (n1a) [mynode, left=of tc] {\# of records is identified
through database searching};
\node (n1b) [mynode,right=of tc] {\# of additional records indentified\\
through other sources};
% the chain in the center
\node (n2) [mynode, below=of tc] {\# of records after duplicates removed};
\node (n3) [mynode,join] {\# of additional records indentified\\
through other sources};
\node (n4) [mynode,join] {\# of full-text articles accessed
for eligibility};
\node (n5) [mynode,join] {\# of studies included in qualitative synthesis};
\node (n6) [mynode,join] {\# of studies included in quantitative sysntesis\\
% the branches to the right
\node (n3r) [mynode,right=of n3] {\# of records excluded};
\node (n4r) [mynode,right=of n4] {\# of full-text articles excluded,
with reasons};
% lines not included in join
\draw[arrow] ([xshift=+22mm] n1a.south) coordinate (a)
-- (a |- n2.north);
\draw[arrow] ([xshift=-22mm] n1b.south) coordinate (b)
-- (b |- n2.north);
\draw[arrow] (n3) -- (n3r);
\draw[arrow] (n4) -- (n4r);
% the labels on the left
\begin{scope}[node distance=7mm]
\node[mylabel,below left=-3mm and 11mm of n1a.north west]
\node[mylabel] {\rotatebox{90}{Screening}};
\node[mylabel] {\rotatebox{90}{Eligibility}};
\node[mylabel] {\rotatebox{90}{Included}};
node distance=15mm and 10mm,
start chain=going below,
mynode/.style = {
draw, rectangle, align=center, text width=5cm,
font=\small, inner sep=3ex, outer sep=0pt,
on chain},
mylabel/.style = {
draw, rectangle, align=center, rounded corners,
font=\small\bfseries, inner sep=2ex, outer sep=0pt,
fill=cyan!30, minimum height=38mm,
on chain},
every join/.style = arrow,
arrow/.style = {very thick,-stealth}
\coordinate (tc);
% the title
text width=8cm, align=left,% <-- added
above=of tc] {\begin{itemize} \item test \end{itemize}};
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={mynode}]
% the nodes at the top
\node (n1a) [ left=of tc] {\# of records is identified
through database searching};
\node (n1b) [right=of tc] {\# of additional records indentified\\
through other sources};
% the chain in the center
\node (n2) [ below=of tc] {\# of records after duplicates removed};
\node (n3) [join] {\# of additional records indentified\\
through other sources};
\node (n4) [join] {\# of full-text articles accessed
for eligibility};
\node (n5) [join] {\# of studies included in qualitative synthesis};
\node (n6) [join] {\# of studies included in quantitative sysntesis\\
% the branches to the right
\node (n3r) [right=of n3] {\# of records excluded};
\node (n4r) [right=of n4] {\# of full-text articles excluded,
with reasons};
% lines not included in join
\draw[arrow] ([xshift=+22mm] n1a.south) coordinate (a)
-- (a |- n2.north);
\draw[arrow] ([xshift=-22mm] n1b.south) coordinate (b)
-- (b |- n2.north);
\draw[arrow] (n3) -- (n3r);
\draw[arrow] (n4) -- (n4r);
% the labels on the left
\begin{scope}[node distance=7mm]
\node[mylabel,below left=-3mm and 11mm of n1a.north west]
\node[mylabel] {\rotatebox{90}{Screening}};
\node[mylabel] {\rotatebox{90}{Eligibility}};
\node[mylabel] {\rotatebox{90}{Included}};