


我的问题是什么?首先,decorationTikZ 库提供的括号选择有限,或者有些括号对学习来说比较复杂。其次,如果我想在句子或段落内进行剪切,使用方框会产生两三个段落(一个在前,一个在方框内,一个在后),我不想这样。但是schemata,,,等使用方框,当我在里面做标记时minipage,它们会剪切我的句子和段落。mdframedtcolorbox


  1. 使用的简单性和灵活性——\}或者) \],,……——就像\langleVert安德鲁·斯旺回答文本周围的大括号问题(对我来说,使用大括号、方括号或括号是理想的,就像在音乐或旧版本中一样,但我知道,很难结合印刷质量和长度管理),或者更好;
  2. \tikzmark在文本中尖锐标记的巧妙运用,例如大卫·卡莱尔基本用法带有指向箭头的边注…文章;
  3. mdframedor包开发的四种显示模式的实用性tcolorbox:单页,或第一部分,中间部分,最后一部分上一个问题中提到过
  4. 在奇数页和偶数页上使用边注。

我想象我们可以构建一个函数,将括号用法\}(或类似 musixtex 括号的东西)和\tikzmark{}或结合起来(\pgfmark{}如果我不需要)TikZ。这样,使用计数器,我就可以像 \mark{Note}{Text} 那样标记我的文本。如果文本跨页,我想象 LaTeX 中存在类似finaltextmark和的东西。一个梦想的例子:begintextmark

\newcounter{mark}\newcommand\complexmark[2]{\setcounter{mark}{0}% counter null
  \tikzmark{\thecounter}% mark one
  \marginnote[{\{}#2]{{\}}#2}% the margin note & brace between mark \tikzmark{1} & \tikzmark{1}, how?
  #1% the texte. if we meet a end page before the mark two, end the brace & open other one in te next page
  \tikzmark{\thecounter}}% mark two end.



% !TEX TS-program = arara
\usepackage[no-math]{fontspec}% no-math for musixtex
\usepackage{tikz}\usetikzlibrary{calc,arrows,decorations.pathreplacing,tikzmark}\tikzset{remember picture}
  % methode 2
\newsavebox{\leftbox} \newsavebox{\rightbox}
\NewDocumentCommand{\lrboxbrace}{s O{\{} O{\}} O{0.1\linewidth} m O{0.8\linewidth} m}{% \lrboxbrace[<lbrace>][<rbrace>][<lwidth>]{<ltext>}[<rwidth>]{<rtext>}
  % method 4
\NewDocumentCommand \margincallout {O{} m m +m }{% \margincallout{<mark1>}{<mark2>}{<note>}
\marginnote{\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
  \node [anchor=west, text width=\marginparwidth, align=left, font=\small,#1]  at (0,0) {#4}; 
  \draw[->] (-0.5,1.94) -- (pic cs:#2); \draw[->] (-0.5,0) -- (pic cs:#3);\draw[decoration=brace,decorate,thick] (-0.3,1.94) -- (-0.3,0); \end{tikzpicture}}}
  %method 5 
  colback=white, boxrule=0pt, colframe=white,  arc=0pt,  outer arc=0pt,  top=0pt,  bottom=0pt,%
  check odd page,breakable,enhanced jigsaw,oversize,%
  overlay={\ifoddpage\draw[decoration={brace,mirror},decorate] (frame.north east) -- node[rotate=90,above=4pt] {#1} (frame.south east);%
  \else\draw[decoration={brace,mirror},decorate] (frame.north west) -- node[rotate=90,above=4pt] {#1} (frame.south west);\fi}}

\paragraph{1}\textsc{Quality and variety of brackets}%
\marginnote{\startextract \emph{Stylish}\zendextract}
\paragraph{MusiX\TeX}\emph{I love typographic quality (9/10) and resizing of curly brackets (2 choices), but I don't know how to use them for text. Look this graceful brackets in margin:}
\paragraph{savebox} \emph{I like the simple use (5/10) on the code of typographic bracket signs (more than 5 choices): [square], (round), {\{}curly{\}}, <angle>, or |vertical bars||. But…}

\lrboxbrace[\Vert][{)}]{\emph{I'm Grouchy Smurf}}{\emph{… it doesn't cross pages and cuts my sentences !} \lipsum[2]}

\paragraph{schemata} \emph{I like (5/10) the use of braces, brackets and parens (3 choices) with the schemata package and his simplicity. But…}

\schema[close]{\emph{… it doesn't cross pages and cuts my sentences !} \lipsum[2]}{\noindent{\emph{This is why\\I don't like boxes}}} %

\paragraph{2}\textsc{Don't cut sentences and cross pages}%
\paragraph{tikzmark} \emph{I discover tikzmark, and I like the fonctionnement. But… I don't want to use the TikZ decorates, I find them (some choices) misfit (3/10). If we can mark the \textbf{beginning}\tikzmark{a} and the end of a page with tikzmark, we save the \emph{cut sentence} problem. (What you see on the sidelines is not so bad) But we stay with two problems:\begin{itemize}
\item how manage cross pages and vertical length?
\item how put the (good) bracket between beginning and \textbf{end}\tikzmark{b} marks in (good) margin?
\margincallout{a}{b}{Tikzmark with marginpar or marginnote doesn't cut anything! But length, automate, insert a good brace, crossing pages without box… seems difficult.}

\paragraph{mdframed, tcolorbox} \emph{I like crossing pages with mdframed or tcolorbox, but…}
\begin{tcbdecor}{I don't like TikZ decorates}\emph{… if it crosses pages, it continues to cut sentences ! I hope you understand my problems, and if if you find something to help me, I would be very happy. Thank you very much!}\
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