但是我在格式化第 2 点之后的三行时遇到了一些困难。Google 没有提供太多帮助。我该怎么做?下面提供了一个最小模板。
\begin{enumerate}[itemindent = 3em, leftmargin = 0em, itemsep = 1ex, partopsep = 0ex, parsep = 1ex, listparindent = 2em]
\item The first line of the poem
Some explanations
\item \begin{quote}% How to get these lines formatted?
The second line of the poem\\
The third line of the poem\\
The fourth line of the poem
Some other explanations that may contain several paragraphs
\usepackage{verse, etoolbox}
\settowidth{\versewidth}{In the midst of the word he was trying to say,}
\setlength\vgap{-\dimexpr\leftmargini + \labelsep\relax}
\begin{enumerate}[itemindent = 3em, leftmargin = 0em, itemsep = 1ex, partopsep = 0ex, parsep = 1ex, listparindent = 2em]
\item %
\begin{verse}[\versewidth]% How to get these lines formatted?
\vin In the midst of the word he was trying to say,\\[3ex]
Some explanations
\vin In the midst of his laughter and glee,\\
He had softly and suddenly vanished away — \\
For the Snark \emph{was} a Boojum, you see.\\[3ex]
Some other explanations that may contain several paragraphs