\begin{frame}{I$^{2}$C contd}
Follow figure shows a master writes data to slave with 7-bits address:
% \draw[gray] (0,0) grid (12,8);
% \foreach \x in {0,1,...,12}
% \draw (\x cm,1pt) -- (\x cm,-1pt) node[anchor=north] {$\x$};
% \foreach \y in {1,2,...,8}
% \draw (1pt,\y cm) -- (-1pt,\y cm) node[anchor=east] {$\y$};
%draw data structure
\draw [fill=Gray] (0,5.5) rectangle (1,6) node[pos=.5] {S};
\draw [fill=Gray] (1,5.5) rectangle (4.5,6) node[pos=.5] {SLAVE ADDRESS};
\draw [fill=Gray] (4.5,5.5) rectangle (5.5,6) node[pos=.5] {R/$\overline{W}$};
\draw (5.5,5.5) rectangle (6,6) node[pos=.5] {A};
\draw [fill=Gray] (6,5.5) rectangle (7.5,6) node[pos=.5] {DATA};
\draw (7.5,5.5) rectangle (8,6) node[pos=.5] {A};
\draw [fill=Gray] (8,5.5) rectangle (9.5,6) node[pos=.5] {DATA};
\draw (9.5,5.5) rectangle (11,6) node[pos=.5] {A/$\overline{A}$};
\draw [fill=Gray] (11,5.5) rectangle (11.5,6) node[pos=.5] {P};
%draw example
\draw [fill=Gray] (0.5,3) rectangle (1,3.5);
\draw (0.5,2) rectangle (1,2.5);
%draw line
\draw (5,5.3) -- (5,4.5);
\draw (6,5.3) -- (6,4.5) -- (6.5,4.5);
\draw (11,5.3) -- (11,4.5) -- (10.5,4.5);
%add text
%\coordinate [label={[blue]above:`0'(write)}] (RW) at (5,4);
%\coordinate [label={[blue]above:`0'(data transferred \\())}] (RW) at (8.5,4);
\node [blue, align=center, above] at (5,4) {`0'(write)};
\node [blue, align=center, above] at (8.5,4) {data transferred \\(n bytes + ACK)};
\node [red, align=left, above] at (2.8,3) {from master to slave};
\node [red, align=left, above] at (2.8,2) {from slave to master};
\node [red, align=left, above] at (8, 3) {A$=$ACK (SDA LOW)};
\node [red, align=left, above] at (8, 2.5) {$\overline{A}=$NAK (SDA HIGH)};
\node [red, align=left, above] at (7.1, 2) {S=START};
\node [red, align=left, above] at (7, 1.5) {P=STOP};
使用哪一个?:对于何时使用 \text 和 \mathrm 有何偏好?
\node[draw] {$\overline{A}$};
\node[draw] at (1,0) {$\overline{\text{A}}$};
\node[draw] at (2,0) {$\overline{\mathrm{A}}$};