以下是 MWE:
% In this MWE, I'll use "\strokecolor" and "\fillcolor" in this example
% instead of the commands I'm looking for to retrieve the current stroke
% and fill colors
\begin{scope}[draw=black, fill=white]
\node[test] at (0em, 0em) {};
\node[test, invert] at (12em, 0em) {};
\begin{scope}[draw=blue, fill=red]
\node[test] at (0em, 12em) {};
\node[test, invert] at (12em, 12em) {};
! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `\color@pgfstrokecolor'.
如何在 PGF 形状声明中检索当前笔触和填充颜色?
我在回答中使用了 percusse 的技巧如何在 PGF/TikZ 中保存当前颜色?。
还要注意,OP 错误地颠倒了和的含义,除非得到纠正\makeatletter
get stroke color/.code={%
\expandafter\global% Jump over, now we have \global
\expandafter\let% Jump over now we have \global\let
\expandafter\pgfsavedstrokecolor% Jump we have \global\let\pgf...
\csname\string\color@pgfstrokecolor\endcsname% Finally expand this and put it at the end
}, % \global\let\pgf...{} in expanded form
restore stroke color/.code={\pgf@setstrokecolor#1},
get fill color/.code={%
\expandafter\global% Jump over, now we have \global
\expandafter\let% Jump over now we have \global\let
\expandafter\pgfsavedfillcolor% Jump we have \global\let\pgf...
\csname\string\color@pgffillcolor\endcsname% Finally expand this and put it at the end
}, % \global\let\pgf...{} in expanded form
restore fill color/.code={\pgf@setfillcolor#1},
% \tikzset{restore fill color/.expand once=\pgfsavedfillcolor}
% \tikzset{restore stroke color/.expand once=\pgfsavedstrokecolor}
\tikzset{restore stroke color/.expand once=\pgfsavedstrokecolor}
\tikzset{restore fill color/.expand once=\pgfsavedstrokecolor}
% \tikzset{restore stroke color/.expand once=\pgfsavedstrokecolor}
\tikzset{restore stroke color/.expand once=\pgfsavedfillcolor}
\begin{scope}[draw=black, fill=white]
\tikzset{get stroke color}
\tikzset{get fill color}
\node[test] at (0em, 0em) {};
\node[test, invert] at (12em, 0em) {};
\begin{scope}[draw=blue, fill=red]
\tikzset{get stroke color}
\tikzset{get fill color}
\node[test] at (0em, 12em) {};
\node[test, invert] at (12em, 12em) {};
这不是对 OP 问题的回答,只是我评论的一个例子。
由于我不知道如何解决 Gus 的问题,因此另一种方法是定义两种不同类型的节点/形状,一种使用“正常”颜色定义,另一种使用“反转”颜色定义。这样就不必发现使用了什么颜色。
\begin{tikzpicture}[test/.style 2 args={draw=#1, fill=#2, line width=1mm, circle,
path picture={\draw[#1] ([shift={(-45:2em)}]path picture bounding box.north west)
--([shift={(135:2em)}]path picture bounding box.south east);}},
test inverted/.style 2 args={draw=#1, fill=#1, circle, line width=1mm,
path picture={\draw[#2] ([shift={(-45:2em)}]path picture bounding box.north west)
--([shift={(135:2em)}]path picture bounding box.south east);}}]
\node[test={blue}{red}, minimum size=2cm] (A) {};
\node[test inverted={blue}{red}, minimum size=2cm, right= of A] (B) {};
\node[test={black}{white}, minimum size=2cm, above=of A] (C) {};
\node[test inverted={black}{white}, minimum size=2cm, right= of C] (D) {};
/tikz/save current fill color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{#1}{\tikz@fillcolor}}},
/tikz/save current stroke color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{#1}{\tikz@strokecolor}}},
它允许通过 xcolor 保存当前填充/描边颜色,以便可以在其他地方使用,例如自动生成不同的色调。例如,可以执行\tikzset{save current fill color=savedcolor}
以获取当前填充颜色,或者在诸如 之类的命令中使用它\node[save current fill color=savedcolor,text=savedcolor] {text written in current fill color};
/tikz/save current fill color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{#1}{\tikz@fillcolor}}},
/tikz/save current stroke color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{#1}{\tikz@strokecolor}}},
\begin{scope}[draw=black,fill=red,ultra thick]
\fill[fill opacity=0.5] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
\draw (1/2,1/2) -- (1/2,3/2);
\path[save current fill color=mycolor,draw=mycolor] (1/2,1/2) -- (3/2,1/2);
% Next line would produce "Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `mycolor'."
% \path[draw=mycolor] (0,0) -- (0,0);
\tikzset{save current fill color=savedcolor}
\node[text=savedcolor] at (2,1/2) {text};
根据@Steven_B._Segletes 的回答,我想出了以下简化的解决方案来回答我的问题。
\begin{scope}[draw=black, fill=white]
\node[test] at (0em, 0em) {};
\node[test, invert] at (12em, 0em) {};
\begin{scope}[draw=blue, fill=red]
\node[test] at (0em, 12em) {};
\node[test, invert] at (12em, 12em) {};