

我希望实现类似于这些用于描述问题的漂亮描述性框样式组合优化:理论与算法作者:Jens Vygen 等人


该框的长度为\textwidth。我发现 fancybox 可以做类似的事情,但我无法正确添加标题或将文本对齐成两个部分。有没有好的包可以实现类似的功能?





    \multicolumn{3}{|X|}{\scshape #1} \tabularnewline
    & & \tabularnewline
    \textit{Instance:} & & #2 \tabularnewline
    & & \tabularnewline
    \textit{Task:} & & #3 \tabularnewline


\myboxstuff{Linear Programming}{Some Matrix\dots}{\blindtext}





\usepackage[showframe]{geometry} \usepackage{MinionPro}
    \usepackage{tabularx, makecell}
    \usepackage{enumitem, framed}
\usepackage{etoolbox, xcolor} %

\setlist[description, 1]{font=\normalfont\itshape, , wide = 0pt, labelwidth=1.6cm, leftmargin=\labelwidth, itemindent=0pt, style=sameline}%


    \noindent \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|>{\itshape}p{1.2cm} >{\arraybackslash}X |}
    \multicolumn{2}{|>{\scshape}l|}{Linear Programming} \\ Instance: & A matrix $ A \in \mathbf R^{m \times n} $ and column vectors $ b \in \mathbf R^m $, $ c \in \mathbf R^n$. \\%
    Task: & Find a column vector $ b \in \mathbf R^n $ such that $ Ax \le b $ and $ c^\top x $ is maximum, decide that $ \{x \in \mathbf R^n\:\colon\: Ax \le b \} $ is empty, or decide that for all $ \alpha  \in \mathbf R $ there is an $ x \in \mathbf R^n$ with $ Ax \le b$ and $ c^\top x > \alpha $. \\%
    \noindent \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|>{\itshape\raggedleft}p{1.2cm}>{\arraybackslash}X |}
    \multicolumn{2}{|>{\scshape}l|}{Linear Programming} \\ Instance: & A matrix $ A \in \mathbf R^{m \times n} $ and column vectors $ b \in \mathbf R^m $, $ c \in \mathbf R^n$. \\%
    Task: & Find a column vector $ b \in \mathbf R^n $ such that $ Ax \le b $ and $ c^\top x $ is maximum, decide that $ \{x \in \mathbf R^n\:\colon\: Ax \le b \} $ is empty, or decide that for all $ \alpha  \in \mathbf R $ there is an $ x \in \mathbf R^n$ with $ Ax \le b$ and $ c^\top x > \alpha $. \\%

    \noindent\textsc{Linear Programming}\vspace{-0.5\topsep}
      \begin{description}[font=\normalfont\itshape, labelwidth=1.6cm, leftmargin=\labelwidth, itemindent=0pt, align=right]

     A matrix $ A \in \mathbf R^{m \times n} $ and column vectors $ b \in \mathbf R^m $, $ c \in \mathbf R^n$.

    \item[Task: ] Find a column vector $ b \in \mathbf R^n $ such that $ Ax \le b $ and $ c^\top x $ is maximum, decide that $ \{x \in \mathbf R^n\:\colon\: Ax \le b \} $ is empty, or decide that for all $ \alpha  \in \mathbf R $ there is an $ x \in \mathbf R^n$ with $ Ax \le b$ and $ c^\top x > \alpha $.


    \begin{programdescr}[Linear Programming]
     A matrix $ A \in \mathbf R^{m \times n} $ and column vectors $ b \in \mathbf R^m $, $ c \in \mathbf R^n$.

    \task Find a column vector $ b \in \mathbf R^n $ such that $ Ax \le b $ and $ c^\top x $ is maximum, decide that $ \{x \in \mathbf R^n\:\colon\: Ax \le b \} $ is empty, or decide that for all $ \alpha  \in \mathbf R $ there is an $ x \in \mathbf R^n$ with $ Ax \le b$ and $ c^\top x > \alpha $.



