

我正在设计一本用户手册的封面,尽管使用包将左右边距设置为 1cm geometry,但左边距比要求的大约大 4mm。我运行的代码如下:

% Preamble

% Language settings

% Layout settings
\usepackage[a4paper, %
xetex, %
asymmetric, %
left=1.0cm, %
right=1.0cm, %
top=1.2cm, %
bottom=2cm, %
includefoot,centering]{geometry}  % cover page layout
\usepackage{fontspec}   % ttf font inclusion
\setmainfont{Arial}     % choice of main font

% Special commands
\newcommand{\subtitle}{Istruzioni originali} % Sottotitolo
\newcommand{\machineclass}{Partizionatrice scenica} % Classe di macchine
\newcommand{\machinename}{PEA} % Nome macchina
\newcommand{\ATEXclass}{Non-zona} % Classe ATEX

% Last page identifier package
\usepackage[]{pageslts}   % Needed for current page to total number of   pages calculation
                          % in headers and footers

% Numbering of \subsubsection and appearance in TOC
\addtocounter{secnumdepth}{1}  % section numbering (add 1 to standard secnumdepth)
\addtocounter{tocdepth}{1}     % TOC numbering (add 1 to standard tocnumdepth)

% Debug settings

% General packages
\usepackage[allbordercolors={1 1 1}]{hyperref}

% Preamble commands
\makeindex   % Index creation
\title{\machinename}  % Title 

% Title 
\newcommand*{\titleSEA}{\begingroup% Title page CIMBRIA
      {\textcolor{CIMBRIA_red}{CIMBRIA.COM | MI0003-IT}}\\[3\baselineskip]

% Body of the document
\thispagestyle{empty} % Remove page numbering on this page
Copyright\copyright\ 2016 Cimbria S.r.l.

\textbf{Istruzioni originali}

Numero identificativo: MI0004-IT

Data rilascio: 2016-02-02

Queste istruzioni sono in Italiano.




下面显示了我使用 gimp 编辑的结果,以清楚地显示我的意思:正如您所见,绿色框内的文本也以接近 6pt 的水平偏移开始。 封面左边距较大



TeX 在日志中给出明确的警告,指出标题框不适合该行。




% Preamble

% Language settings

% Layout settings
\usepackage[a4paper, %
xetex, %
asymmetric, %
left=1.0cm, %
right=1.0cm, %
top=1.2cm, %
bottom=2cm, %
includefoot,centering]{geometry}  % cover page layout
\usepackage{fontspec}   % ttf font inclusion
\setmainfont{Arial}     % choice of main font

% Special commands
\newcommand{\subtitle}{Istruzioni originali} % Sottotitolo
\newcommand{\machineclass}{Partizionatrice scenica} % Classe di macchine
\newcommand{\machinename}{PEA} % Nome macchina
\newcommand{\ATEXclass}{Non-zona} % Classe ATEX

% Last page identifier package
\usepackage[]{pageslts}   % Needed for current page to total number of   pages calculation
                          % in headers and footers

% Numbering of \subsubsection and appearance in TOC
\addtocounter{secnumdepth}{1}  % section numbering (add 1 to standard secnumdepth)
\addtocounter{tocdepth}{1}     % TOC numbering (add 1 to standard tocnumdepth)

% Debug settings

% General packages
\usepackage[allbordercolors={1 1 1}]{hyperref}

% Preamble commands
\makeindex   % Index creation
\title{\machinename}  % Title 

% Title 
\newcommand*{\titleSEA}{\begingroup% Title page CIMBRIA
    \parbox[t]{1.0\textwidth}{%%%%%(not as bad as the one above
      {\textcolor{CIMBRIA_red}{CIMBRIA.COM | MI0003-IT}}\\[3\baselineskip]

% Body of the document
\thispagestyle{empty} % Remove page numbering on this page
Copyright\copyright\ 2016 Cimbria S.r.l.

\textbf{Istruzioni originali}

Numero identificativo: MI0004-IT

Data rilascio: 2016-02-02

Queste istruzioni sono in Italiano.



