BibLaTeX - 参考书目中的反向引用链接编号

BibLaTeX - 参考书目中的反向引用链接编号

ASTM 手册对其参考文献进行了排版,以便参考书目中的反向引用就是参考书目中的标签编号。



有人知道如何将我的书目标签(深蓝色粗体数字)转换为反向引用吗?也就是说,我不希望将页码列为反向引用链接。我希望书目标签编号作为论文中使用参考的位置的链接。这就是 ASTM(美国材料与试验协会)手册的做法。

这是我的 MWE:


backrefpage  = {see p.}, % for single page number
backrefpages = {see pp.} % for multiple page numbers

% code to make supercitations in brackets
 {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
 {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}%

\renewcommand{\finentrypunct}{}%remove period at end of citation in bibliography
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumber}{\mkbibbold{#1}}%make in-text citation number bold
\DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumber}{\color{blue!75!black}\mkbibbold{#1}}}% make bibliography label number bold and dark blue
%% The label number I want to be the backreference link instead of what I have now.

\DeclareFieldFormat{pagerefformat}{\color{blue!75!black}\{\mkbibbold{#1}\}}% I made braces around the backreference text: ''see p. 1'', bold, and dark blue 

       \printlist[pageref][-\value{listtotal}]{pageref}}}}% this makes the backreference text ''see p. 1'' with the pagerefformat bold, dark blue

  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Alpha},
  author = {Buthor, B.},
  year = {2002},
  title = {Bravo},
  author = {Cuthor, C.},
  year = {2003},
  title = {Charlie},


\usepackage[hidelinks,hyperfootnotes=false,plainpages=false]{hyperref} %
    citecolor={blue!75!black},% in-text citations dark blue
    linkcolor={blue!75!black},%the backreference is dark blue also

We are citing \supercite{A01,C03} and \supercite{A01,C03,B02} and \cite{C03}





biblatex已经创建了引用参考文献的页面列表,我们只需要一种方法来从该列表中提取第一页,以便我们可以将结果传递给\hyperlink。 特别\printlist[pageref][1-1]{pageref}是不能在这里使用,因为它很健壮。


  backrefpage  = {see p\adddot},
  backrefpages = {see pp\adddot},

     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring prenote argument}}%
     {\BibliographyWarning{Ignoring postnote argument}}%






\usepackage[hidelinks,hyperfootnotes=false,plainpages=false]{hyperref} %
    citecolor={blue!75!black},% in-text citations dark blue
    linkcolor={blue!75!black},%the backreference is dark blue also

We are citing \supercite{sigfridsson} and \supercite{sigfridsson,worman} and \cite{sigfridsson}


We are citing \supercite{nussbaum,sigfridsson} and \supercite{nussbaum,sigfridsson} and \cite{sigfridsson}
We are citing \supercite{sigfridsson} and \supercite{sigfridsson,worman} and \cite{sigfridsson}

