

Latex 能否使用 ttf 字体用居中文本填充特定纵横比(例如 3:1)的区域,以便可以将其导出到特定像素大小的图像(600x200,可能使用转变)?



convert -size 600x200 -font Montserrat-Regular -gravity center \
        caption:"I am curious about area-filling text rendering options" test.png

使用 imagemagick 用文本填充区域


\Shapepar{\rectangleshape{200}{600}}I am curious about area-filling text rendering options\par

Shapepar 矩形填充


可以\Shapepar将文本居中而不是修改字间距吗?或者是否有其他方法可以在 Latex 中用文本填充特定矩形?




\usepackage{environ}% http://ctan.org/pkg/environ


\NewEnviron{fitbox}[2]{% \begin{fitbox}{<width>}{<height>} stuff \end{fitbox}
    % Store environment body
    % prepare badness box
        \currenthbadness=\hbadness% save old \hbadness
        \hbadness=10000000\relax% make sure, TeX reports overfull boxes
        \message{Starting measureline recursion with width #1^^J}%
            \measurelines% start recursion
%       \noindent\usebox\trialbox\par
        \hbadness=\currenthbadness% restore old \hbadness
    % prepare recursion to measure line badness
        \message{Iteration of measurelines^^J}%
            \setbox\linebox=\lastbox% get the last line
            \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\unhcopy\linebox}% put the last line into box0 to provoke badness calculation
            \linebad=\the\badness\relax% \badness now reflects the last typeset box, i.e. box0
            \message{Badness: \the\badness\space\the\linebad\space with max \the\maxbad\space at Fontsize: \the\fontdim\space^^J}%
            \ifnum\linebad>\maxbad% store the maximum badness
                \global\maxbad=\linebad% Uncomment this line to ignore overfull hboxes!
            \ifvoid% end of recursion
                \unskip\unpenalty\measurelines% do the recursion
                \noindent\box\linebox% do the output
    % Prepare measurement box
        \badnessbox% measure badness
        \setbox0\vbox{% measure height
        \message{Measured badness: \the\maxbad\space at Fontsize: \the\fontdim\space^^J}%
        \message{Measured box height: \the\dimen@\space^^J}%
            \fontdim.5\fontdim % Reduce font size by half
            \message{Shrinking, new box height: \the\dimen@\space at Fontsize: \the\fontdim\space^^J}%
        \ifdim\dimen@>#2 \repeat
            \fontdim.5\fontdim % Reduce font size by half
        \ifnum\maxbad>10000 \repeat
            \fontdim2\fontdim % Double font size
            \message{Growing, new box height: \the\dimen@\space at Fontsize: \the\fontdim\space^^J}%
        \ifdim\dimen@<#2 \repeat
    % Compute upper and lower bounds
        \message{Need to shrink box height: \the\dimen@\space^^J}%
        \message{Need to grow box height: \the\dimen@\space to target: #2^^J}%
    \message{Max font: \the\upperfontdim\space^^J}%
    \message{Min font: \the\lowerfontdim\space^^J}%
    % Potentially further reduce bounds for overfull box
    \message{Max font adjusted: \the\upperfontdim\space^^J}%
    \message{Min font adjusted: \the\lowerfontdim\space^^J}%
    % Now try to find the optimum height and width
        \message{Height: \the\dimen@\space^^J}%
    \ifmoreiterations \repeat
    \message{Selected font: \the\fontdim\space^^J}%
    \vbox to #2{\box0\hbox{}}% Typeset content



\center{I am curious about area-filling text rendering options}


lualatex 解决方案

这是用 处理的lualatex
