




\def\x{{\mathbf x}}

\def\L{{\cal L}}



\begin {table*} 

M & TA & MO & P & N & ID & CC & XC & KL \\ 
method & 0.79 & 0.59 & - & - &  4& 3 & 5\\ 
ED  [] & 5 & 7 & - & -& 6 \\
CR  &  4 & 7&- & - & 22 \\
NB[]& 2 & 75 & - & - & 6\\ 

\caption{Set of observations }

enter image description here






\begin {table}[htb]
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\hskip 6pt\extracolsep{\stretch{1}}}*{9}{r}}
M       & TA    & MO    & P & N & ID & CC & XC & KL \\
method  & 0.79  & 0.59  & - & - & 4  & 3  & 5  &    \\
ED  []  & 5     & 7     & - & - & 6  &    &    &    \\
CR      & 4     & 7     & - & - & 22 &    &    &    \\
NB[]    & 2     & 75    & - & - & 6  &    &    &    \\
\caption{Set of observations }


enter image description here



附录: 在与 Christian Hupfer 交换了意见后,关于如何设置上面的表格,我(为了我的练习)又提出了两个解决方案。两者都添加到第一个解决方案中,以便您可以更轻松地比较它们的代码和结果。我为它们添加了两个包:tabularxsiunitx





\begin {table}[htb]
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\hskip 6pt\extracolsep{\stretch{1}}}*{9}{r}}
M       & TA    & MO    & P & N & ID & CC & XC & KL \\
method  & 0.79  & 0.59  & - & - & 4  & 3  & 5  &    \\
ED  []  & 5     & 7     & - & - & 6  &    &    &    \\
CR      & 4     & 7     & - & - & 22 &    &    &    \\
NB[]    & 2     & 75    & - & - & 6  &    &    &    \\
\caption{Set of observations }

Similarly result can be obtained with \verb+tabularx+ packages

\begin {table}[htb]
M       & TA       & MO       & P       & N       & ID       & CC       & XC       & KL       \\
method  & 0.79     & 0.59     & {--}    & {--}    & 4        & 3        & 5        &          \\
ED  []  & 5        & 7        & {--}    & {--}    & 6        &          &          &          \\
CR      & 4        & 7        & {--}    & {--}    & 22       &          &          &          \\
NB[]    & 2        & 75       & {--}    & {--}    & 6        &          &          &          \\
\caption{Set of observations}

One more solution with quite sophisticated table setting with exploiting packages \verb+tabularx+ and \verb+siunitx+:

\begin {table}[htb]
\mcx{M} & \mcx{TA} & \mcx{MO} & \mcx{P} & \mcx{N} & \mcx{ID} & \mcx{CC} & \mcx{XC} & \mcx{KL} \\
method  & 0.79     & 0.59     & {--}    & {--}    & 4        & 3        & 5        &          \\
ED  []  & 5        & 7        & {--}    & {--}    & 6        &          &          &          \\
CR      & 4        & 7        & {--}    & {--}    & 22       &          &          &          \\
NB[]    & 2        & 75       & {--}    & {--}    & 6        &          &          &          \\
\caption{Set of observations}


enter image description here
