(0,0) to [short, o-] (1,0)
(6,0) to [short, o-] (0,0)
(6,0) to [open, v_<=$V_{m}$] (6,2) % load voltage
(5,2) to [short, l=$P_{ml}+jQ_{ml}$, -o] (6,2) % load power
(0,0) to [open, v^<=$V_{l}$] (0,2) % generator voltage
(0,2) to [short, o-, l^=$P_{lm}+jQ_{lm}$] (1,2) % generator power
(1,2) to [C, l^=$j\frac{b_{sh,lm}}{2}$] (1,0) % shunt susceptance
(1,2) to [R, l=$R_{lm}$] (3,2) % line resistance
(3,2) to [L, l=$jX_{lm}$] (5,2) % line reactance
(5,2) to [C, l_=$j\frac{b_{sh,lm}}{2}$] (5,0); % shunt susceptance
MWE 中的所有坐标均对应于变压器的坐标......
% transformer
\node[transformer,left=5mm] (T) {};
(T.A1) to [short, -o] ++ (-0.5,0)
(T.A2) to [short, -o] ++ (-0.5,0)
(T.B1) to [short, -o] ++ (0.5,0) coordinate (in+)
(T.B2) to [short, -o] ++ (0.5,0) coordinate (in-)
(in+) to [open, v<=$V_{l}$] (in-) % generator voltage
(in+) to [short, l^=$P_{lm}+jQ_{lm}$] ++ (1.5,0) coordinate (c1+)% generator power
to [short,C,l_=$j\frac{b_{sh,lm}}{2}$] (c1+ |- in-) % shunt susceptance
(c1+) to [R, l=$R_{lm}$] ++ (1.5,0) % line resistance
to [L, l=$jX_{lm}$] ++ (1.5,0) coordinate (c2+) % line reactance
to [short, l=$P_{ml}+jQ_{ml}$, -o] ++ (1.5,0) coordinate (out+)
to [open, v^<=$V_{m}$] (out+ |- in-) coordinate (out-)% load voltage
(c2+) to [C, l_=$j\frac{b_{sh,lm}}{2}$] (c2+ |- in-) % shunt susceptance
(out-) to [short,o-] (in-); % shunt susceptance