我正在尝试在引用列表中实现悬挂缩进,我通过 调用了该列表\fullcite{key1,key2}
你看,区别在于列出的参考文献的悬挂缩进。我今天在这里发布这篇文章的原因是我无法任何缩进以与 KOMA 配合使用。我甚至无法通过使用类似这样的方法在每行开头添加空格\renewcommand\multicitedelim{\adddot\\\quad}
。KOMA 中是否有某种东西可以防止篡改缩进?(好吧,当我使用\indent
MWE 如下:
% !TEX TS-program = lualatexmk
Author = {Greg Bayer},
Journalsubtitle = {A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science},
Journaltitle = {Apeiron},
Number = {2},
Pages = {109--142},
Title = {Coming to Know Principles in \mkbibemph{Posterior Analytics} II 19},
Volume = {30},
Year = {1997}}
Annote = {copied only the first chapter},
Author = {David Bolotin},
Location = {Albany},
Publisher = {State University of New York Press},
Subtitle = {With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing},
Title = {An Approach to Aristotle's Physics},
Year = {1998}}
Author = {Sarah Broadie},
Pages = {123--150},
Crossref = {dehaas:mansfeld:2004},
Subtitle = {Distinguishing Alteration -- Substantial Change, Elemental Change, and First Matter in \mkbibemph{GC}},
Title = {\mkbibemph{On Generation and Corruption} I.4}}
Author = {Jacques Brunschwig},
Crossref = {dehaas:mansfeld:2004},
Pages = {25--63},
Subtitle = {A False Start?},
Title = {\mkbibemph{On Generation and Corruption} I.1}}
Editor = {{Frans A.\,J.} {de Haas} and Jaap Mansfeld}, Location = {Oxford},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Aristotle's \mkbibemph{On Generation and Corruption} I},
Year = {2004}}
\newcommand*{\mything}[3]{\noindent\textbf{#1}\\Texts: \fullcite{#2}.\\Literature: \fullcite{#3}.\\[1em]}
\mything{Title text foo bar}{bayer:1997,bolotin:1998}{broadie:2004,bruschnwig:2004}
\mything{Title text foo bar}{bayer:1997,bolotin:1998,broadie:2004,bruschnwig:2004}{broadie:2004,bruschnwig:2004}
我想用上面的命令来构建我的教学文档。最后我会得到大约 12 乘以 2(=24)个参考书目。然后我想如果我直接用命令来做也许会更容易\fullcite
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\hspace*{-2em}% <-- negate \parshape for first paragraph
本地的重新定义,依赖于 的可选参数“prenote” \fullcite
\usepackage[style=authortitle-comp, backend=biber, abbreviate=false,sorting=none]{biblatex}
Author = {Greg Bayer},
Journalsubtitle = {A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science},
Journaltitle = {Apeiron},
Number = {2},
Pages = {109--142},
Title = {Coming to Know Principles in \mkbibemph{Posterior Analytics} II 19},
Volume = {30},
Year = {1997}}
Annote = {copied only the first chapter},
Author = {David Bolotin},
Location = {Albany},
Publisher = {State University of New York Press},
Subtitle = {With Particular Attention to the Role of His Manner of Writing},
Title = {An Approach to Aristotle's Physics},
Year = {1998}}
Author = {Sarah Broadie},
Pages = {123--150},
Crossref = {dehaas:mansfeld:2004},
Subtitle = {Distinguishing Alteration -- Substantial Change, Elemental Change, and First Matter in \mkbibemph{GC}},
Title = {\mkbibemph{On Generation and Corruption} I.4}}
Author = {Jacques Brunschwig},
Crossref = {dehaas:mansfeld:2004},
Pages = {25--63},
Subtitle = {A False Start?},
Title = {\mkbibemph{On Generation and Corruption} I.1}}
Editor = {{Frans A.\,J.} {de Haas} and Jaap Mansfeld}, Location = {Oxford},
Publisher = {Oxford University Press},
Title = {Aristotle's \mkbibemph{On Generation and Corruption} I},
Year = {2004}}
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