

我正在使用下面给出的模板在 LaTeX Beamer 中制作表格。


我的表格总共有 11 列,但最后 3 列不在表格框内。有人能帮帮我吗?


        \begin{tcolorbox}[tabgris,tabularx={c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c}, boxrule=0.5pt, title =Comparison of computed torque and thrust with experimental data for various meshes]
            S.no.& \multicolumn{2}{c|} {Mesh size (million points)} & \multicolumn{4}{c|} {Torque (Nm)} & \multicolumn{4}{c} {Thrust (N)} \\
                 & Coarse  & Fine &  Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) & Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) \\  \hline \hline
                1&  1.13   & 8.60 & 804.0 & 686.1 & 719.0 & -4.6 & 1157.0 & 1094.1 & 1123.0 & -2.6 \\ \hline
                2&          1.45 & 11.0 & 804.0 & 691.2 & 713.1 & -3.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.2 & 1115.1 & -2.2 \\ \hline
                3&          1.70 & 13.0 & 804.0 & 690.0 & 719.2 & -4.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.3 & 1120.3 & -2.6\\ \hline
                4&          1.90 & 14.6 & 804.0 & 676.1 & 701.3 & -3.6 & 1157.0 & 1076.0 & 1110.0 & -3.1 




用于将整个表格宽度限制为\textwidth仅仅使用 是不够的\tabularx,您必须以正确的方式使用它!您应该使用来自\tabularx( X) 的列类型,而不是来自tabular( lcrp{...}否则,具有更宽内容的单元格将不遵守规定的表格宽度并将导致具有此类单元格的表格行将超出定义的右表格边框,甚至可能超出文本边框(就像您遇到的情况一样)。

\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{b{#1}}% <-- improve appearance of column heads
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}% <-- main change

\begin{tcolorbox}[tabularx={ C | *{9}{C|}C},% <-- main change 
                  title = Comparison of computed torque and thrust 
                           with experimental data for various meshes]
    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\setlength\hsize{2\hsize}}C|} {Mesh size\newline (million points) } % <-- main change
            &   \multicolumn{4}{c|} {Torque (Nm)} 
                &   \multicolumn{4}{c} {Thrust (N)} \\
S. no. & Coarse  & Fine &  Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) & Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) \\  \hline \hline
1   &  1.13   & 8.60 & 804.0 & 686.1  & 719.0 & -4.6 & 1157.0 & 1094.1 & 1123.0 & -2.6 \\ \hline
2   &  1.45   & 11.0 & 804.0 & 691.2  & 713.1 & -3.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.2 & 1115.1 & -2.2 \\ \hline
3   &  1.70   & 13.0 & 804.0 & 690.0  & 719.2 & -4.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.3 & 1120.3 & -2.6 \\ \hline
4   &  1.90   & 14.6 & 804.0 & 676.1  & 701.3 & -3.6 & 1157.0 & 1076.0 & 1110.0 & -3.1


附录: 如果表格宽度超过\textwidth,则可以使用包changepage并局部增加\textwidth,例如4.4em。在这种情况下,您可以使用更大的字体大小(\scriptsize而不是\tiny)。MWE:

\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{b{#1}}% <-- added
\newcolumntype{C}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X}% <-- added

\usepackage{changepage}%<-- added 

\begin{tcolorbox}[tabularx={ c | *{9}{C|}C},% <--- main change
                  title = Comparison of computed torque and thrust
                           with experimental data for various meshes]
    &   \multicolumn{2}{>{\setlength\hsize{2\hsize}}C|}{Mesh size\newline (million points) }% <--- main change
            &   \multicolumn{4}{c|} {Torque (Nm)}
                &   \multicolumn{4}{c} {Thrust (N)} \\
S. no. & Coarse  & Fine &  Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) & Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) \\  \hline \hline
1   &  1.13   & 8.60 & 804.0 & 686.1  & 719.0 & -4.6 & 1157.0 & 1094.1 & 1123.0 & -2.6 \\ \hline
2   &  1.45   & 11.0 & 804.0 & 691.2  & 713.1 & -3.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.2 & 1115.1 & -2.2 \\ \hline
3   &  1.70   & 13.0 & 804.0 & 690.0  & 719.2 & -4.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.3 & 1120.3 & -2.6 \\ \hline
4   &  1.90   & 14.6 & 804.0 & 676.1  & 701.3 & -3.6 & 1157.0 & 1076.0 & 1110.0 & -3.1





\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} % inter columns space 
\begin{tcolorbox}[tabularx={c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c}, boxrule=0.5pt, title =Comparison of computed torque and thrust with experimental data for various meshes]
            S.no.& \multicolumn{2}{c|} {Mesh size (million points)} & \multicolumn{4}{c|} {Torque (Nm)} & \multicolumn{4}{c} {Thrust (N)} \\
                 & Coarse  & Fine &  Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) & Exp. & Coarse & Fine & Diff*(\%) \\  \hline \hline
                1&  1.13   & 8.60 & 804.0 & 686.1 & 719.0 & -4.6 & 1157.0 & 1094.1 & 1123.0 & -2.6 \\ \hline
                2&          1.45 & 11.0 & 804.0 & 691.2 & 713.1 & -3.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.2 & 1115.1 & -2.2 \\ \hline
                3&          1.70 & 13.0 & 804.0 & 690.0 & 719.2 & -4.0 & 1157.0 & 1091.3 & 1120.3 & -2.6\\ \hline
                4&          1.90 & 14.6 & 804.0 & 676.1 & 701.3 & -3.6 & 1157.0 & 1076.0 & 1110.0 & -3.1 



