

我很难找到解决方案来理解row宏最后一行中的以下代码有什么问题,特别是代码\xifinlist{\arabic{currow}}{\rowpagebreaks}{\pagebreak}{}。我想要实现的是,如果行索引(存储在中currow)位于需要从新页面(存储在中rowpagebreaks)开始的行索引列表中,则会导致插入,\pagebreak以便 longtable 知道从空白页上的这一特定行开始。虽然硬编码\pagebreak按预期工作,但使用条件插入为\pagebreak我提供了以下错误消息,我无法以有意义的方式解释这些错误消息:

Misplaced \noalign.
\pagebreak ->\noalign 
                      {\ifnum `}=0\fi \@testopt {\LT@no@pgbk -}4
l.85     \row{\datespan{11/2008}{03/2013}}{b}
I expect to see \noalign only after the \cr of
an alignment. Proceed, and I'll ignore this case.
 main.tex, line 88
Misplaced \omit.
\multispan ->\omit 
l.88     \rowsection{Section B}
I expect to see \omit only after tab marks or the \cr of
an alignment. Proceed, and I'll ignore this case.

我的问题是,为什么插入/硬编码\pagebreak工作正常,但使用条件会触发这种错误? 有没有办法解决这种错误和情况?



% counting the rows




% a list of row indexes when a pagebreak should be inserted

        {\scriptsize\textbf{Row: \arabic{currow}}\newline}%
    {#1} & {#2}%
    % If the index of the current row is found in the list of rows that require to start at a new blank page, insert a \pagebreak or \newpage ...
    % Manually inserting \pagebreak or \newpage works
    % However, this does not work ...

            \vspace{20pt}% top section margin
            {\normalfont\sffamily\footnotesize #1 \par}%
            \vspace{6pt}% margin between text and line
            \vspace{12pt}% bottom section margin
    % reset row counter to zero

    % no indent of column
            {\scriptsize\textbf{Row: \arabic{currow}}~ }%

    \dimexpr #1\textwidth-2\tabcolsep%



    \rowsection{Section A}%
    \rowsection{Section B}%



我认为 \xifinlist 不可扩展。您也许可以使用 expl3 进行测试,但通常将测试移到之前的单元格中会更容易:

        {\scriptsize\textbf{Row: \arabic{currow}}\newline}%
    {#1} & {#2}%
