


\centering\caption{Uplink and Downlink Systems with Different Cooperation Methods}\label{Table:systems}
\resizebox{\textwidth }{!}{
\Huge{\textbf{Cooperation Method}}&\Huge{\textbf{Downlink}}&\Huge{\textbf{Uplink}}&\Huge{\textbf{Information needed to calculate DL Beamforming vector}}\\
\Huge{CBF}&\Huge{Each BS transmits to UEs under its own coverage area.}&\Huge{Each UE transmits to only one BS and other BSs treat it as noise.}&\Huge{Each BS needs to know its own channel to all the users.}\\ \hline
\Huge{PDC}&\Huge{Each BS transmits independent data streams to all UEs,}&\Huge{Each UE transmits independent data streams to the BSs,}&\Huge{Each BS needs to calculate $\mathbf{w}_{l, k}$ from~(\ref{Eq:uldlconv}).}\\ \hline
\Huge{JP}&\Huge{The BSs have all the data to be transmitted to UE}&\Huge{No uplink counterpart.}&\Huge{Each BS needs to know all the channels and data symbols.}\\ \hline 


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\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}

\caption{Uplink and Downlink Systems with Different Cooperation Methods}
    &   \thead[b]{Downlink}
        &   \thead[b]{Uplink}
            &   \thead[b]{Information needed\\ 
                          to calculate DL\\ Beamforming vector}        \\
CBF &   Each BS transmits to UEs under its own coverage area
        &   Each UE transmits to only one BS and other BSs treat it as noise
            &   Each BS needs to know its own channel to all the users. \\ 
PDC &   Each BS transmits independent data streams to all UEs
        &   Each UE transmits independent data streams to the BSs,
            &   Each BS needs to calculate $\mathbf{w}_{l, k}$ from~(\ref{Eq:uldlconv}).                                   \\
JP  &   The BSs have all the data to be transmitted to UE
        &   No uplink counterpart.
            &   Each BS needs to know all the channels and data symbols.\\ 


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\centering\caption{Uplink and Downlink Systems with Different Cooperation Methods}\label{Table:systems}
\textbf{Cooperation Method}&\textbf{Downlink}&\textbf{Uplink}&\textbf{Information needed to calculate DL Beamforming vector}\\
CBF&Each BS transmits to UEs under its own coverage area.&Each UE transmits to only one BS and other BSs treat it as noise.&Each BS needs to know its own channel to all the users.\\ \hline
PDC&Each BS transmits independent data streams to all UEs,&Each UE transmits independent data streams to the BSs,&Each BS needs to calculate $\mathbf{w}_{l, k}$ from~(\ref{Eq:uldlconv}).\\ \hline
JP&The BSs have all the data to be transmitted to UE&No uplink counterpart.&Each BS needs to know all the channels and data symbols.\\ \hline 





\textbf{Cooperation Method}&\textbf{Downlink}&\textbf{Uplink}&\textbf{Information needed to calculate DL Beamforming vector}\\
CBF&Each BS transmits to UEs under its own coverage area.&Each UE transmits to only one BS and other BSs treat it as noise.&Each BS needs to know its own channel to all the users.\\ 
PDC&Each BS transmits independent data streams to all UEs,&Each UE transmits independent data streams to the BSs,&Each BS needs to calculate $\mathbf{w}_{l, k}$ from~(\ref{Eq:uldlconv}).\\ 
JP&The BSs have all the data to be transmitted to UE&No uplink counterpart.&Each BS needs to know all the channels and data symbols.\\






\usepackage[showframe]{geometry} %
\usepackage{tabularx, makecell, booktabs, caption}


\centering\caption{Uplink and Downlink Systems with Different Cooperation Methods}\label{Table:systems}
%\resizebox{\textwidth }{!}{
 \makecell{Cooperation\\ Method} & \makecell{Downlink} & \makecell{Uplink} & \makecell{Information needed\\ to calculate %
DL\\ Beamforming vector} \\
 CBF & Each BS transmits to UEs under its own coverage area. & Each UE transmits to only one BS and other BSs treat it as noise. & Each BS needs to know its own channel to all the users. \\ \hline
 PDC & Each BS transmits independent data streams to all UEs, & Each UE transmits independent data streams to the BSs, &{Each BS needs to calculate $\mathbf{w}_{l, k}$ from~(\ref{Eq:uldlconv}).}\\ \hline
 JP & The BSs have all the data to be transmitted to UE & No uplink counterpart. & Each BS needs to know all the channels and data symbols. \\ \hline


