我遇到了一个与盒子尺寸有关的问题。是否有可能将名为“较短”的盒子缩短到全尺寸的 2/3。此外,箭头的锚点应该位于中间。我希望你能理解这个问题。以下是玩具示例:
box/.style={rectangle, text centered, minimum height=3em},
narrowbox/.style={box,text width=4cm,draw,thick},
line/.style={draw, thick, -Stealth}
\node [box] (inv) {};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of inv] (deter) {};
\coordinate [below=0.5cm of deter] (vuoto1);
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of vuoto1] (meth2) {};
\node [narrowbox, left=0.5cm of meth2] (meth1) {};
\node [narrowbox, right=0.5cm of meth2] (meth3) {};
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of meth3] (select1) {};
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of meth1] (select) {};
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of select] (select2) {};
\node [box, below=4.5cm of meth2] (decide) {Shorter};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of decide] (inter) {};
\path [line] (inv) -- (deter);
\path [line] (deter) -- (meth2);
\path [line] (vuoto1) -| (meth1);
\path [line] (vuoto1) -| (meth3);
\path [line] (meth1) -- (select);
\path [line] (select) -- (select2);
\path [line] (select2) -- (select.south |- decide.north);
\path [line] (meth2) -- (decide);
\path [line] (meth3) -- (select1);
\path [line] (select1) -- (meth3.south |- inter.north);
\path [line] (decide) -- (inter);
% draw rectangles around top and bottom nodes
\foreach \N in {inv,deter,decide,inter}
\draw [thick] (\N.north -| meth1.west) rectangle (\N.south -| meth3.east);
box/.style={rectangle, text centered, minimum height=3em,text width=130mm,draw},
narrowbox/.style={box,text width=4cm,draw,thick},
line/.style={draw, thick, -Stealth}
\node [box] (inv) {i};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of inv] (deter) {d};
\coordinate [below=0.5cm of deter] (vuoto1);
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of vuoto1] (meth2) {m2};
\node [narrowbox, anchor=west] (meth1) at (meth2 -| deter.west) {m1};
\node [narrowbox, anchor=east] (meth3) at (meth2 -| deter.east) {m3};
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of meth3] (select1) {s1};
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of meth1] (select) {s};
\node [narrowbox, below=0.5cm of select] (select2) {s2};
\node [box, text width={(2/3)*130mm}, below=4.5cm of meth1.south west, anchor=north west] (decide) {Shorter};
\node [box, below=0.5cm of decide.south west, anchor=north west] (inter) {it};
\path [line] (inv) -- (deter);
\path [line] (deter) -- (meth2);
\path [line] (vuoto1) -| (meth1);
\path [line] (vuoto1) -| (meth3);
\path [line] (meth1) -- (select);
\path [line] (select) -- (select2);
\path [line] (select2) -- (select.south |- decide.north);
\path [line] (meth2) -- (decide.north -| meth2);
\path [line] (meth3) -- (select1);
\path [line] (select1) -- (meth3.south |- inter.north);
\path [line] (decide.south) -- (inter.north -| decide.south);